Treatments - antibiotics penicillin

Cards (16)

  • antibiotics
    use microorganisms to defeat bacteria - use chemicals
  • Penicillin
    made from mould - penicillium
    (Lister had used on a nurse but did not make notes and stopped making the mould)
  • Fleming - 1938 - discovered by accident that it killed bacteria (1939 he wrote articles)
  • 8 years later - 1937 - Florey and chain researched Fleming' ideas
  • 1940 - Florey and Chain experimented with mice and penicillin but they did not have enough money and it was difficult to make iin large quantities
  • 1941 - Penicillin was tested on the first human (successful) but they still didn't have enough
  • Mass production - Florey and Chain needed a large scale factory where penicillin could e grown
  • July 1841 - Florey convinced companies in the USA to produce penicillin
  • 1942 - US and Britain governments funded research because it was proven effective, they wanted penicillin for WW2
  • 1944 - Penicillin is used in was to treat injured people - in D-Day landing in France
  • Factors - institutions
    US gov funded Florey's research for 5 years - develop methods for mass production
  • Factors - Science
    scientist could observe the effects on staphylococcus and modify it for other bacteria
  • Factors - technology
    development in ways to mass produce and store - made drugs available in quantities
  • Factors - Attitudes in society
    no treatments for simple infection in WW1 - needed for WW2 - clinical trials and evidence needed before publicly available
  • Factors - individuals
    Florey - frugs for everyone (didn't cost a lot)
  • why was penicillin important
    • effective in treating disease caused by certain bacteria
    • used to prevent infection - teeth extraction
    • the development encouraged scientists to look for moulds which could fight infection
    • once someone had mapped out its chemical structure, scientists could make synthetic versions that if slightly modified could treat specific diseases