Cards (6)

  • Definition
    The format in which information is stored in the various memory stores
  • Baddeley: procedure
    • Present participants very rapidly with four conditions of words: (acoustically similar and dissimilar, semantically similar and dissimilar).
    • Participants recall the words after a 20 minute break.
  • Baddeley - findings
    • Immediate recall worse with acoustically similar words.
    • After 20 minutes recall worse with semantically similar words.
  • Baddeley - conclusion
    Coding in LTM: semantic
    Coding in STM: acoustic
  • Strength - separate stores
    • Identified a clear difference between two memory stores.
    • LTM - semantic, STM: acoustic
  • Limitation - artificial stimuli
    • Study did not use meaningful material - words listed to participants had no personal meaning.
    • Baddeley's findings may not tell us much about coding in everyday situations.
    • When processing more meaningful information, people may use semantic coding even for the STM tasks.
    • Findings have limited application.