
Cards (6)

  • Definition
    The amount of information that can be held in a memory store.
  • Jacobs - procedure
    • Researcher reads out 4 digits + increases amount until participants can no longer correctly recall.
    • This is their digit span.
  • Jacobs - findings
    Digit span
    • 9.3 numbers
    • 7.3 letters
  • Jacobs - conclusion
    Miller - capacity of STM is 7 +/- 2 and chunking improves capacity.
  • Strength - replication
    • Jacobs' study has been replicated and confirmed by other, better controlled studies since.
    • Suggests that Jacobs' study is a valid test of digit span.
  • Limitation - chunk amount
    • Miller may have overestimated STM capacity.
    • Cowan reviewed other research and concluded that the capacity of the STM is only about 4 chunks.