
Cards (33)

  • What type of theory is Functionalism?
    Macro, structural theory
  • How does Functionalism view society?
    As based on agreement among its members
  • What does Functionalism believe about knowledge of society?
    It can be used to improve society
  • What role do educational systems play in Functionalism?
    They socialize individuals into norms and values
  • Who claimed that the family is universal and inevitable?
  • What is one main function of the family according to Functionalism?
    Primary socialization of children
  • What role does religion play in society according to Functionalism?
    It integrates people and provides support
  • Who are the neo-functionalists mentioned in the study material?
  • What does Durkheim believe about crime and deviance?
    It can clarify acceptable behavior boundaries
  • What analogy does Parsons use to describe society?
    Organic analogy
  • How does Functionalism view the parts of society?
    As interrelated and interdependent
  • What are the basic needs of the social system according to Functionalism?
    Members must be socialized for survival
  • What happens if one part of the social system becomes dysfunctional?
    It affects all other aspects of society
  • What is a strength of Functionalism?
    It recognizes the structural nature of society
  • What is the function of any part of the social system according to Functionalism?
    To meet the system's needs for survival
  • What do external critics argue about Functionalism's teleological view?
    It explains existence based on effects
  • What is a value consensus in Functionalism?
    A shared agreement of norms and values
  • How does value consensus maintain social order?
    It creates a stable and harmonious society
  • What are the two mechanisms Parsons identifies for ensuring conformity?
    Socialization and social control
  • What is anomie according to Functionalism?
    A breakdown of social norms and values
  • What do Postmodernists argue about Functionalism's value consensus?
    It assumes society is stable and orderly
  • What is the view of Functionalism on social change?
    It is a gradual and evolutionary process
  • What does structural differentiation refer to?
    Development of specialized institutions
  • How do conflict theories critique Functionalism's view of social change?
    It fails to explain conflict and sudden change
  • What do Marxists argue about society's nature?
    It is based on exploitation and conflict
  • How do Marxists view shared values in society?
    As imposed by the dominant class
  • What is the role of religion according to Marxists?
    To maintain false class consciousness
  • How does Merton critique Parsons' system theory?
    Not all parts are tightly integrated
  • What does Merton mean by 'functional alternatives'?
    Other structures can fulfill social functions
  • What research methods do Functionalists prefer?
    Quantitative, positivist approaches
  • Why is Functionalism criticized for being unscientific?
    It cannot be falsified
  • What is the conclusion about Functionalism's insights into society?
    It is ideologically driven and reductionist
  • What do Postmodernists claim about Functionalism's meta-narrative?
    It is totalizing and outdated