Neo Marxism

Cards (23)

  • What has led many Marxists to reject economic determinism?
    The absence of a revolution in the West
  • What have Marxists tried to explain since Marx's death?
    Why capitalism has persisted and how it might be overthrown
  • What are the two broad approaches that have arisen questioning Classical Marxism?
    1. Humanistic Marxism
    2. Structural Marxism
  • What does Humanistic Marxism reject?
    Economic determinism as an explanation of social change
  • What did Antonio Gramsci believe about the economy's importance?

    It should not have overriding importance in society
  • What is the concept of relative autonomy in Gramsci's theory?
    Superstructures have their own power over classes
  • How did Gramsci describe the power of the ruling class?
    Through the concept of Hegemony
  • What does Gramsci's dual consciousness refer to?
    Influence of ruling-class ideology and material conditions
  • What must the working class do to undermine ruling-class hegemony?
    Construct a counter-hegemonic bloc
  • What is a criticism of Gramsci's theory?
    Over-emphasizing ideas and ideology's role
  • What do Structural Marxists like Althusser reject?
    Classical Marxism's economic base-superstructure model
  • How does Althusser's model differ from Marx's?
    It includes three interrelated levels of society
  • What does Althusser mean by 'relative autonomy'?
    Each level in society has a degree of freedom
  • What are the two types of state apparatuses Althusser identifies?
    Repressive state apparatuses and ideological state apparatuses
  • What do repressive state apparatuses do?
    Coerce the working class into compliance
  • What do ideological state apparatuses manipulate?
    Working classes into accepting capitalism
  • How does Althusser view human agency?
    We are products of social structures
  • What do Gouldner and Thompson criticize about Althusser's view?
    It ignores active struggles of the working class
  • What is a conclusion about Marxist theories?
    • They provide useful insights into society
    • They are ideologically driven
    • They are reductionist and overlook competing theories
  • What do postmodernists criticize about Marxist theories?
    • They claim Marxism is a totalising theory
    • Rival narratives should be considered
    • They argue for a full account of social life
  • What is one exam question related to Marxist theories?
    Outline and explain two internal criticisms
  • What is another exam question related to Marxist theories?
    Outline and explain two criticisms of Classical Marxism
  • What is a third exam question related to Marxist theories?
    Evaluate the view that Marxist theories are irrelevant