
Cards (39)

  • What does the British Sociological Association (BSA) provide for sociological research?
    Strict ethical guidelines
  • What is considered ethical research according to the BSA?
    Morally justifiable and causes no harm
  • Why might some sociologists avoid certain research methods?
    Due to ethical restrictions
  • What are the BSA guidelines regarding participant exploitation?
    • Researchers must not exploit participants.
    • They must not pry into private lives.
  • How did Ann Oakley's research on motherhood uphold ethical guidelines?
    It became a two-way beneficial process
  • Why are under 16s excluded from crime research questionnaires?
    Parental consent is required
  • What ethical concern arises from Dobash and Dobash's research on battered women?
    Participants recounted harrowing experiences
  • What justification is given for the ethical breach in Dobash and Dobash's study?
    Findings helped policy making on domestic violence
  • What ethical issue is associated with Humphreys' research on male sex in public toilets?
    It involved tracking participants to their homes
  • Why do some feminists view structured interviews as potentially oppressive?
    Interviewees may feel pressured to respond
  • What must researchers provide to participants according to ethical guidelines?
    Purpose of the research and final report
  • How did Dobash and Dobash ensure informed consent in their research?
    They informed women of the research purpose
  • When is consent not required for document research?
    When using public documents
  • What ethical issue arose from James Patrick's undercover research?
    He did not inform gang members of his purpose
  • What is a common ethical concern with field experiments?
    Participants are unaware they are being studied
  • What is a challenge with using personal/private documents in research?
    Gaining consent from all involved parties
  • What must researchers avoid doing to participants according to ethical guidelines?
    Deceiving them if possible
  • How did Dobash and Dobash avoid deception in their study?
    They clearly stated the purpose of their investigation
  • What unethical action did Humphreys take in his research?
    He deceived participants about his identity
  • What ethical issue did James Patrick face during his research?
    He withdrew without explanation, causing concern
  • What must research findings be in terms of participant confidentiality?
    Confidential and anonymous
  • How do victim surveys ensure confidentiality?
    They are conducted anonymously
  • What ethical dilemma arises from informal interviews with offenders?
    Should researchers breach confidentiality with police?
  • How do official statistics maintain confidentiality?
    No individual criminals are identified
  • What right must researchers allow participants during research?
    The right to withdraw
  • How does the BCS allow participants to withdraw from research?
    By finding other participants easily
  • What pressure did participants face in Milgram's obedience study?
    Strong pressure to continue giving shocks
  • What ethical concern arises from asking victims of crime questions?
    It may cause emotional distress
  • What did Williams' study into football hooliganism involve?
    Being asked to be a getaway driver
  • What ethical issue is associated with Humphreys' research on public toilets?
    It involved illegal activities
  • What ethical rule did Maguire establish regarding sensitive information?
    Never to record particularly sensitive information
  • What must researchers ensure regarding participants' protection?
    Protection from physical and psychological harm
  • How do questionnaires protect participants from harm?
    Respondents are not obliged to answer
  • What ethical dilemma arises when sociologists study crime?
    Gaining 'guilty knowledge' about crimes
  • What issue arises from interviewing victims for too long?
    It may cause emotional distress
  • Why was Zimbardo's study stopped after six days?
    Due to severe psychological harm to participants
  • What are the ethical challenges in sociological research methods?
    • CPO methods may be unethical.
    • Sociologists may glamorize criminal activity.
    • Compared to psychology, sociology is more ethical.
  • What is the focus of the A-level sample questions provided?
    Ethical problems in qualitative research
  • What is the purpose of the Paper 3 question regarding participant observation?
    Evaluate its scientific and ethical aspects