
Cards (5)

  • What is inspiration?
    breathing in
  • What is expiration?
    breathing out
  • How do the diaphragm and intercostal muscles allow air to move into the lungs during inspiration?
    - diaphragm contracts and flattens
    - external intercostal muscles contract pulling the ribcage up and out
    - this increases the volume of the thoracic cavity
    - the pressure in the thoracic cavity decreases below atmospheric pressure
    - air flows down the pressure gradient into the lungs
  • How do the diaphragm and intercostal muscles allow air to move out of the lungs during expiration? (at rest)
    - diaphragm relaxes and domes upwards
    - external intercostal muscles relax and pull the ribcage down and in
    - this reduces the volume of the thorax
    - pressure in the thorax increases above atmospheric pressure
    - air flows down the pressure gradient out of the lungs
  • What happens during expiration during exercise that does not occur at rest?
    - internal intercostal muscles contract
    - this pulls the ribcage down and in
    - abdominals contract
    - this causes the diaphragm to dome upwards further