initial study being conducted at yale uni in a lab
single blind,as the participant was unaware of the real aim and was told it was testing how punishment affects learning.
In each trial there was a confederate in same room who played the role of an experiemnter, wearing a lab coat and giving instructions to participant
teacher and learner roles, confederate was always learner
test ability to learn word pairs, instructed to administer a shock for every wrong answer- increased in severity from 15 volts all the way to 450
100 percent went to 300 volts
5 refused to go beyond this point
26 out of 40 went all the way to 450 - potentially lethal
despite predictions of 1 in 1000 would go all the way 65% did
Ordinary people are extremely obedient to authority, even when asked to behave in an inhumane manner. It is not evil people who commit atrocities but ordinary people obeying authorities.
variations - Location
Several participants remarked that the location gave them confident in the integrity of the researchers
Yale uni changed to run down offices 48%- caused levels to slightly drop
Lab coat swapped for office clothes 20% obedience
Bushman carried out an experiment where a female researchers asked member of public to give change to a man for an expired parking meter.
She was dressed as either a police officer beggar or businesswoman-72% obeyed in police uniform and this percentage dropped by of 20% when she was dressed in the other outfits.
People stated that they obyeyed because she appeared to have authority
Teacher in same room as a learner 40% able to directly experience the learners anguish
Teacher presses hand of learner to a shock plate 30%
Experimenter gives order over the phone 21% vast majority now defied the experimenter-less pressure to obey
Social support- Two other teachers refusing 10% social support