statistical infrequency - how often we come across behaviour - usual=normal , unusual=abnormal
deviation from social norms is how we expect people to behave socially by making a collective judgement of a society about what is right
failure to function adequately is when someone can’t cope with the demands of everyday like food , job , hygiene
Rosenbaum and Seligman (1989) said that relationships suffer as people can’t conform to standard interpersonal rules
deviation from ideal mental health is a focus on being normal and not deviating from being psychologically healthy
Maria Jahoda (1958) suggested we need to meet these things:
no distress
cope with stress
realistic view of the world
self esteem
cultural relativism is the idea that cultural norms and values are culture specific so we should tolerate cultures as they are
schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) is a mental health condition marked by a consistent pattern of intense discomfort with relationships and social interactions
you have it
physical and mental strain
always present even when there is no danger
interferes with ability to function
you experience it
fear is a reaction
once the danger has passed the fear becomes less intense
DSM 5 standa for diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorder
DSM 5 is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose illness
specific phobia - phobia of an object or situation
social anxiety ( social phobia ) is a phobia of social situations
behavioural characteristics are the way people act
emotional characteristics are the way people feel
cognitive characteristics are the way people think
behavioural responses to phobias:
panic attacks
emotional responses to phobias:
persistent fear
high anxiety
cognitive responses to phobias:
conscious awareness of heightened anxiety
paying selective attention
irrational beliefs
Watson and Rayner studied phobias in 1920 with their experiment “little albert“
something we have no fear of - neutral stimulus
something that triggers fear - unconditioned stimulus
Method of Watson and Rayners research on phobias:
before conditioning - rat (ns) - no fear
during conditioning - rat (ns) and loud bang (ucs) = fear
after conditioning - rat (ns) now has a conditioned reflex= fear
classical conditioning:
how phobias are learned in the first place
associate an involuntary response and stimulus
operate conditioning:
associate a voluntary behaviour and consequence
how learned fears are maintained
Mowrer on operant conditioning -
rewards increase a behaviour
punishment decreases a behaviour
avoidance maintains the fear
2 ways to treat phobias:
systematic desensitisation
systematic desensitisation is a behavioural therapy designed to gradually reduce phobic anxiety through classical conditioning - if a person can learn to relax in the presence of the phobic stimulus they will be cured
3 processes in systematic desensitisation:
anxiety heirarchy
reciprocal inhibition is when its impossible to feel fear and calm
flooding - facing your fear at maximum intensity for a long period of time