Unlawful Act Manslaughter

Cards (22)

  • Definition R v Larkin: the test - an intentional act +unlawful act + a dangerous act + cause of death = leading to unlawful act manslaughter.
  • AR: unlawful act, objectively dangerous, caused death of the vicitm
  • Unlawful Act: Unlawful Act must be a criminal offence - Franklin v DPP
  • Unlawful Act doesn't need to be directed at the actual V or a person
  • Goodfellow [1986]:  arson (against property)
  • Watson [1989]:  attempted burglary (against property)
  •  AG’s Ref 3 of 1994 [1998]:  assault (against the mother)
  • Dangerous Act: carries risk of some harm, but not serious harm.
  • Objective test: A sober and reasonable person would have foreseen risk of some harm to another person. Not necessary for D to personally foresee the risk. Church [1966]
  • Unforeseeable risk of harm: sober & reasonable people would not have foreseen harm. ‘Thin Skull Rule’ not applicable, Dawson [1985]
  • Foreseeable risk of harm: sober and reasonable people would have foreseen some harm Watson [1989]
  • Causation - factual and legal causation
  • Act does not need to be ‘aimed’ at the victim Attorney-General’s Reference (No 3 of 1994)
  • No break in the chain of causation: Lewis, Kennedy, Dhaliwal
  • Lewis [2010] - assault
  • Kennedy (No 2) [2007] - drugs
  • Dhaliwal [2006] - domestic violence
  • Mens rea: MR for base crime + intention to commit unlawful act
  • Only base crimes that require intention or Recklessness, but not negligence or strict liability
  • Not necessary for D to intend to pose risk of harm to another person or to be aware of the risk.
  • Defences: Intoxication and consent (A [2005] and Lipman [1969])
  • MR cases: Andrew and Andrews 2002 Lamb and Newbury