
Cards (8)

  • insects- circulatory system
    -open circulatory system
    -circulation is slow and dependent on body movements
    -don't have lungs or gills
  • insects- spiracles
    -pores in each part of their body
    -can be opened and closed- allow diffusion and prevent water loss
    -spiracles lead to small tubes called tracheae which branch off into tracheoles
  • insects- tracheae
    -walls strengthened by polysaccharide chitin
    -thin, permeable walls filled with tissue fluid
    -ends of tracheoles are open to individual cells
  • insects- tracheae and gas exchange
    -oxygen diffuses into tracheal fluid then diffuses from fluid into body cells
    -when cells are respiring quickly tracheal fluid can be withdrawn into the body fluid, increasing surface area of tracheal wall exposed to air so more oxygen can be absorbed
  • tracheal system- insects
    -small network of tubes called tracheoles that carry oxygen around the body
    -tracheoles branch into cells
    -tracheoles contain tracheal fluid that gases can dissolve into
  • tracheal system- when the insect becomes more active
    -tracheal fluid moves further into the tissue
    -this means gas exchange happens closer to the respiring cells
    -diffusion alone doesn't support the insect with enough oxygen so thoracic and abdominal movements can move the gases
  • insects- spiracles
    -openings along thorax and abdomen
    -gases diffuse into the spiracles and then into tracheoles
    -gases can also diffuse out of the spiracles
  • why insects need a well developed transport system
    -high metabolic rate
    -need a large oxygen supply
    -surface area to volume ratio is usually low
    -need to maintain a high concentration gradient