If those cues are not available of time of recall, it may make it appear as if you forgotten the info but in fact, this is due to retrieval failure- not being to access memories that are not there
Tulving reviewed research into retrieval failure and discovered a consistent pattern. Summarised this pattern in what he called encoding specificity principle
If cues are to help us recall info, they have to be present at encoding and retrieval. If cues available at encoding and retrieval are different, forgetting will take place
Study of deep sea divers working underwater. Divers learned a list of words either underwater or on land. They had to recall words either underwater or on land so there were 4 conditions
In 2 of these conditions, environmental contexts matched (of learning/recall) but other 2 did not. Accurate recall was 40% lower in non-matching conditions. The external cues available at learning and recall were differing leading to retrieval failure
Gave antihistamine drugs (for treating hay fever) to ppts. Anti-histamines had a mild sedative effect making ppts drowsy. This created an internal physiological state different from the 'normal' state of being awake/alert
Ppts had to learn lists of words and passages of prose and then recall the information. There were 4 conditions: Learn on drug - recall not on it, learn on drug - recall on it, learn not on drug - recall on it, learn not on drug - recall not on it
In conditions, there was a mismatch between internal state at learning/recall. Performance rate on the memory test was worse when cues are absent then there is more forgetting