posters, storyboards, digital slide presentations (e.g. PowerPoint), e-posters, e-books, and social media.
Simple Modal Text - Meaning is conveyed to the reader through varying combinations of written language, visual, gestural, and spatial modes.
Live Multimodal Text - Include dance, performance, oral
storytelling, and presentations, Meaning is conveyed through
combinations Of various modes such \as gestural, spatial, audio, and
oral language.
Complex Digital Multimodal Texts - Live action films, animations, digital stories, web pages, book trailers, documentaries, music videos,
Complex Digital Multimodal Texts - Meaning is conveyed through dynamic combinations of various modes across written and spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio. gesture
(acting), and spatial semiotic resources.
Complex Digital Multimodal Texts - Producing these texts also requires skills with more sophisticated digital communication technologies.
infographic - shows and explains a thorny issue to a larger audience, The communication tool, among others, is effective in illustrating multifaceted topics.
Infographic - It uses words and images to communicate a clear message.
Infographic - The use of additional images and words in the infographic are coherent in explaining a complex process. It is also more appealing and effective as a communication tool compared to a densely written report.
advertisemen - possible messages are conveyed both literally and subliminally.
Advertisement - A literal message is based on what text shows. The reader elicits the meaning based on what is conveyed explicitly.
Advertisement - Another layer is the subliminal message, which
contains an underlying meaning. A text does not express this explicitly.
Editorial cartoon - is a relevant example of a multimodal text.
Multimodality refers to the use or availability of several different
modes, methods, systems. Because of advancements in
technology, multimodal texts are now a familiar feature in web-
based materials, such as memes and blogs. They are used as
communication tools to serve a specific purpose, and they are not