later childhood relationships

Cards (3)

  • smith + myron-wilson 1998
    a = how iwm affects relationships in later life
    p = assess attachment type and bullying involvement, using questionaires
    196 children aged 7-11 from london
    f = insecure - avoidant, victims
    insecure- resistant, bullies
    secure attached, neither bullies nor victims
  • minnesota study (2005)
    p = followed ppt from infancy to late adolescence
    f = securely attached children - rated most highly for social competence later in childhood, less isolated and more popular when compared to insecurely attached children
    c = continuity between early attachment and later emotional/social behaviour
  • hartup et al (1993)
    • children with a secure attachment are more popular at nursery and engage more in social interactions with other children
    • insecurely attached children tend to be more reliant on teachers for interaction and emotional support
    c = continuity between how you act when you are young, and your relationships at school