relationships in early adulthood

Cards (7)

  • early attachments provide template for later life relationships
    • romantic relationships
    • parental relationships
    • friendships as adults
  • the love quiz, hazan and shaver (1987)
    a = test if there is a correlation between infants attachment type and future approach to romantic relationships
    p = 2 questionaires
    • attachment type measure
    using ainsworth categories (secure, anxious-resistant, anxious-avoidant), childhood relationships with parents, their parents relationships with others
    • individuals beliefs of love
    trust, length etc
    took a volunteer sample, by printing in 'rocky mountain news' newspaper
    620 replies from people ages 14-82
  • love quiz, hazan and shaver (1987)

    f =
    • secure = 56%
    happy, trusting, friendly relationship
    • anxious-resistant = 19%
    obsession, desire for reciprocation, emotional highs and lows, extreme sexual attraction, worry partner doesn't love them or may leave, desire for intense closeness frightens others away
    • anxious-avoidant = 25%
    fear intimacy, emotional highs and lows, uncomfortable being close to or depending on others, believe they don't need love to be happy, jealousy
  • love quiz, hazan and shaver (1987)

    f = high correlation between infant attachment types and romantic love styles
    c = evidence to support the concept of the iwm have a life-long effect. concede, not everyone stayed true to infant attachment style and some did change as they grew older
  • mccarthy (1999)
    p = studied 40 adult women who had been assessed as infants, to establish early attachment type
    f =
    • secure - best adult friendships and relationships
    • insecure resistant - hard to maintain friendships
    • insecure avoidant - struggle with intimacy
  • bailey et al
    • 99 mothers
    • supports continuity hypothesis
    • if the pcg is poorly attached tot heir primary attachment figure, then there is a poor attachment between pcg and child
  • harlow
    • young monkeys who suffered maternal deprivation, were bad mothers and often very aggressive
    • privation, caused a damaged relationship