Psychodynamic Approach

Cards (30)

  • what does Freud suggest that the mind is made up of?
    • unconscious
    • preconscious
    • conscious
  • what does Freud suggest the mind is made mostly of?
    the unconscious mind
  • what is in the unconscious mind?
    • biological drives
    • instincts
    • desires
    • threatening or disturbing thoughts that are repressed
    these all significantly influence the behaviour and personality exhibited by someone
  • what is in the preconscious mind?
    thoughts and ideas tat are revealed to us through sleeping via dreams or parapraxes
  • what is parapraxes?
    Freudian slips: an unconscious string of words blurted out
  • what is the conscious mind?
    Awareness of what we know
  • what is the 'Id' personality?
    your primitive part of your personality that is made up of unconscious drives and instincts. Operating on the pleasure principle that gives instant selfish gratification.
  • what is the 'ego' personality?
    is a reality principle - what actually happens, as it is the mediator which reduces the conflict between the 'Id' and the 'superego' through defense mechanisms: repression, denial and displacement
  • what is the 'superego' personality?
    Internalized moral conscience or standards of your personality which come from your same sex parent.
    Based on the morality principle which punishes ego through guilt and rewarding through pride
  • At what age does the 'Id' personality form?
    present at birth
  • at what age does the 'ego' personality form?
    age of 2
  • what age does the 'superego' personality form?
    at the age of 5 (phallic stage)
  • what are the 5 stages of psychosexual stages of development?
    • oral
    • anal
    • phallic
    • latency
    • genital
  • who suggested the psychosexual stages of development? and why?
    • Freud suggested the stages
    • because he says a child must resolve a certain conflict in each stage and if there is any unresolved psychosexual conflict then the behaviour of the child would lead to fixations throughout adult life
  • what is said at the phallic stage in psychosexual development of a child?
    • boys will develop incestuious feelings towards their mother and a murderous feeling towards their father, as they fear their father will castrate them
    • they will repress their feelings and follow the moral value of their same sex role model
  • what is the first stage of psychosexual development?
    Oral - focusing on the pleasure of the mouth -> a mother's breast can be an object of desire
  • what is the 2nd stage of psychosexual development?
    Anal stage - focusing pleasure in the anus -> withholding or expelling faeces
  • what is the 3rd stage of psychosexual development?
    Phallic -> focus of pleasure in the genital area
  • what is the 4th stage of psychosexual development?
    latency -> earlier conflicts are repressed, this stage is wait before puberty
  • what is the last stage of psychosexual development?
    Genital stage - when the child hits puberty, sexual desires become conscious
  • what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the oral stage?
    Oral fixation - smoking, biting nails, sarcastic and critical
  • what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the anal stage?
    • Anal retentiveness - perfectionist and obsessive
    • Anal expulsive - thoughtless and messy
  • what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the phallic stage?
    phallic personality - narcissistic and reckless personality
  • are there consequences in the latency stage?
  • what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the genital stage?
    difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
  • at what age is the oral stage?
    0-1 years
  • at what age is the anal stage?
    1-3 years
  • at what age is the phallic stage?
    3-6 years
  • at what age is the latency stage?
    around 6 to 12 years
  • at what age is the genital stage?
    around 10-12 years of age till later adolescence