past papers

Cards (5)

  • What are episodic memories?
    • memories concerned with personal experiences
    • may recall the time, place and people
    • may recall the context surrounding that event such as what happened just before or after
  • What are semantic memories?
    • contains knowledge of the world such as facts and concepts
    • generally begin as episodic but transition into semantic memories
  • What are procedural memories?
    • motor or action based memory
    • these are typically acquired through repetition and practice
    • this memory is implicit meaning it does not require conscious recall
  • Give one strength and limitation of the working memory model
    • Baddeley - participants performed better when both tasks were visual and verbal (as they use different processing systems)
    • There is little known about the central executive - evidence from brain studies suggest it is not unitary
  • Outline the central executive
    • limited capacity
    • have a supervisory function
    • controls the slave systems