characteristics of phobias

Cards (30)

  • What three psychopathologies are focused on in this unit?
    Phobias, depression, and OCD
  • How are the characteristics of phobias, depression, and OCD categorized?
    Behavioral, emotional, and cognitive characteristics
  • What is a common behavior associated with phobias?
    Avoidance of the phobic object
  • What is Arachnophobia?
    A fear of spiders
  • What is claustrophobia?
    A fear of enclosed spaces
  • What is avoidant behavior in the context of phobias?
    Physically adapting behavior to avoid phobic objects
  • What physical response is associated with phobias?
    Panic response, such as screaming or hyperventilating
  • How does a serious phobia affect daily functioning?
    It may prevent engagement in normal activities
  • What emotional characteristic is common in phobias?
    High levels of anxiety
  • How does anxiety manifest in individuals with phobias?
    Constant worry about future encounters
  • What is the relationship between fear and phobias?
    Fear is an intense emotional state linked to phobias
  • What cognitive characteristic do phobia sufferers exhibit?
    Exaggerated belief in harm from phobic objects
  • How do phobias affect cognitive capacity?
    They reduce the ability to think and engage
  • What is a defining feature of depression?
    A constant and long-lasting sense of sadness
  • What behavioral change is common in individuals with depression?
    Decreased activity level and lethargy
  • What is anhedonia?
    Inability to enjoy previously enjoyable activities
  • What emotional characteristics are associated with depression?
    Sadness, guilt, and feelings of worthlessness
  • How does depression affect concentration?
    It leads to poor concentration and indecisiveness
  • What are negative schemas in depression?
    Automatic negative biases in thinking
  • What does OCD stand for?
    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • What defines OCD?
    Obsessions and compulsions as responses
  • What are compulsions in OCD?
    Behavioral responses to intrusive thoughts
  • What is a common compulsion in OCD?
    Checking behaviors, like locking doors
  • How do compulsions affect anxiety in OCD?
    They provide only temporary anxiety reduction
  • What is hyper-vigilance in OCD?
    A constant state of alertness for dangers
  • What cognitive characteristic is associated with OCD?
    Intrusive and irrational obsessive thoughts
  • What is attentional bias in OCD?
    Focus on objects related to obsessions
  • What are the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive characteristics of phobias?
    • Behavioral: Avoidance, panic response, failure to function
    • Emotional: High anxiety, fear
    • Cognitive: Exaggerated beliefs about harm, reduced cognitive capacity
  • What are the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive characteristics of depression?
    • Behavioral: Decreased activity, anhedonia, poor hygiene
    • Emotional: Persistent sadness, guilt, feelings of worthlessness
    • Cognitive: Poor concentration, negative schemas
  • What are the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive characteristics of OCD?
    • Behavioral: Compulsions (checking, cleaning), avoidance
    • Emotional: Extreme anxiety, depression
    • Cognitive: Intrusive thoughts, hyper-vigilance, attentional bias