OCD: explaining and treating

    Cards (29)

    • What is OCD often misunderstood as?
      A mental health condition
    • Why do people misuse the term "OCD"?
      It minimizes the suffering of those affected
    • What dominates the internal mental world of some with OCD?
      Repetitive and intrusive thoughts
    • What is the result of compulsive behaviors in OCD?
      They provide temporary relief from anxiety
    • What will be discussed in the video regarding OCD?
      The biological approach to explaining and treating OCD
    • What are candidate genes in relation to OCD?
      Genes found more frequently in OCD patients
    • How many separate genes could be involved in OCD development?
      Up to 230 separate genes
    • What is the prevalence rate of OCD in the general population?
      2 percent
    • What is the concordance rate for first-degree relatives of OCD patients?
      10 percent
    • What is the concordance rate for identical twins with OCD?
      68 percent
    • What neurotransmitter is most associated with OCD?
    • What happens to serotonin levels in people with OCD?
      They are thought to be low
    • What is the role of the cert gene in OCD?
      It is responsible for serotonin transport
    • What is the worry circuit in relation to OCD?
      An overactive communication circuit in the brain
    • Which brain structures are involved in the worry circuit?
      Orbital frontal cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus
    • What is the function of the parahippocampal gyrus?
      Regulating and processing unpleasant emotions
    • What does the diathesis-stress model suggest about OCD?
      Genetic vulnerability plus environmental stressors
    • What percentage of participants with OCD reported a traumatic life event?
      54 percent
    • What is a limitation of neural imaging studies in OCD?
      They are correlational, not causal
    • What is the main type of drug used to treat OCD?
      SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
    • How do SSRIs work in the brain?
      They inhibit serotonin reuptake
    • What is a common side effect of SSRIs?
    • What is a disadvantage of drug therapy for OCD?
      Potential for dependency on medication
    • What does the research by Goldacre suggest about drug therapy studies?
      They may be biased due to funding
    • Why might psychological therapy be preferred over drug therapy?
      It addresses the root causes of OCD
    • What are the biological explanations for OCD?
      • Genetic explanations: candidate genes and polygenetic nature
      • Neural explanations: serotonin imbalance and worry circuit
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of drug therapy for OCD?
      • Effective in reducing symptoms
      • Convenient and inexpensive

      • Side effects like nausea and insomnia
      • Potential dependency on medication
    • What is the role of the worry circuit in OCD?
      • Overactive communication between brain structures
      • Inability to filter out minor worries
      • Leads to obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
    • What are the common obsessions and compulsions in OCD?
      Common obsessions:
      • Contamination fears
      • Burglary worries
      • Fire-related anxieties

      Common compulsions:
      • Repetitive cleaning
      • Checking locks
      • Checking power switches