animal studies (Lorenz and Harlow)

Cards (23)

  • What do some psychologists study in animal behavior?
    Why animals act the way they do
  • Why is animal research useful for studying human behavior?
    Studies on animals are often not possible on humans
  • What are the ethical concerns regarding animal research?
    Different mental experiences of animals and humans
  • Who are the two influential researchers mentioned regarding attachment?
    Konrad Lorenz and Harry Harlow
  • What did Konrad Lorenz investigate?
    Imprinting in graylag geese
  • What behavior is commonly seen in young ducklings?
    Following their mother around the pond
  • How did Lorenz test imprinting in geese?
    By hatching eggs in different conditions
  • What did Lorenz find about goslings hatched by their mother?
    They followed her closely
  • What is the critical period for imprinting in goslings?
    32 hours after hatching
  • What does Lorenz's work suggest about attachment behavior in birds?
    It has a biological basis and is vision-based
  • What theory did Harry Harlow's experiment test?
    The learning theory of attachment
  • What did Harlow's experiment involve?
    Infant monkeys and surrogate mothers
  • What were the two types of surrogate mothers in Harlow's experiment?
    Wire mother with milk and cloth mother
  • What did Harlow find about the monkeys' preferences?
    They preferred the cloth mother for comfort
  • What did Harlow's experiment reveal about attachment?
    Attachment is based on comfort, not just food
  • What long-term problems did Harlow's monkeys face?
    Issues interacting with other monkeys
  • What did Bowlby argue about human infants?
    They crave comfort from their mothers
  • What is the critical period for human infants to form attachments according to Bowlby?
    6 to 30 months
  • How does human recovery from deprivation differ from goslings?
    Humans have a sensitive period, not critical
  • What practical applications arose from Harlow and Lorenz's work?
    Improved infant care policies
  • What ethical concerns are associated with Harlow's research?
    It caused suffering to primates
  • How did Harlow's research impact psychology's reputation?
    It harmed the reputation with the public
  • What is a key point about ethical evaluations in research?
    Unethical studies can still yield valid data