content analysis

Cards (26)

  • What is the main focus of the video on research methods in psychology?
    Content analysis
  • What can quantitative data be used to create?
    Tables, charts, averages, and statistics
  • What is the challenge when data is in the form of words?
    It needs to be converted into quantitative data
  • What is content analysis?
    • An indirect observational method
    • Observes human behavior through artifacts
    • Typically focuses on written words
    • Converts qualitative data into quantitative descriptions
  • What is an artifact in the context of content analysis?
    Things humans make
  • What types of materials can be analyzed in content analysis?
    Diary entries, tweets, children's books
  • What are coding units in content analysis?
    Examples of behavior linked to research questions
  • Why is operationalization important in content analysis?
    It allows precise measurement of behaviors
  • What was the focus of the Waynforth and Dunbar study in 1995?
    Theories of mate choice in sexual relationships
  • What does the evolutionary theory suggest about mate choice?
    Men and women have different reproductive strategies
  • What were the ages recorded in the Waynforth and Dunbar study?
    Ages of individuals in lonely heart adverts
  • What terms were included in the coding frames for physical attractiveness?
    Athletic, attractive, cute, fit, good-looking
  • How did the study's findings support the evolutionary theory?
    Men sought younger mates, women older mates
  • What is the first step in conducting a content analysis?
    Decide the research question
  • What is the purpose of tallying in content analysis?
    To record the frequency of categories
  • What is test-retest reliability in content analysis?
    Running the analysis again on the same data
  • What does inter-rater reliability involve?
    Two researchers analyzing the same data separately
  • What correlation coefficient indicates reliable data?
    0.8 or higher
  • What are the strengths of content analysis?
    • High external validity
    • Real artifacts reflect true behavior
    • Easy to access existing data
    • Allows for replication by other researchers
  • What are the weaknesses of content analysis?
    • Potential for observer bias
    • Data may lack validity
    • Records may not be truthful
  • What is thematic analysis?
    • Variation of content analysis
    • Focuses on discovering deeper meanings
    • Identifies emergent themes from data
    • More flexible than traditional content analysis
  • What can patrons access on psych boost?
    Exam tutorial videos and printable resources
  • How many tutorial videos are mentioned for research methods?
    Six tutorial videos
  • Who is thanked for supporting psych boost?
    Students and teachers
  • What is the purpose of the support from patrons?
    To allow part-time teaching and video creation
  • What is the next topic mentioned after content analysis?
    Case studies