inferential statistics testing

Cards (34)

  • What part of research methods do students often dread?
    Inferential statistics
  • Why are statistics questions valuable in exams?
    They offer high points for little writing
  • What is the only statistical test students need to calculate for AQA?
    The sign test
  • What should students know about the other seven statistical tests?
    Only their names and when to use them
  • What is the purpose of inferential statistics?
    • Generalizes results beyond the sample
    • Makes inferences about the target population
    • Assesses confidence in data supporting inferences
  • What probability indicates significant results in inferential statistics?
    p is less than 0.05
  • What do researchers use to determine if results are significant?
    Statistical tests
  • What is the first step in deciding which statistical test to use in an exam?
    Identify if the study is a correlation or test of difference
  • What is a correlation in research?
    Measures two covariables for a relationship
  • What type of data is collected in independent groups design?
    Independent data
  • How is related data defined in repeated measures design?
    Each data point has a related counterpart
  • What is the level of measurement for nominal data?
    Categories with no order
  • How is interval data characterized?
    Equal differences between data points
  • What is the mnemonic phrase to remember the statistical tests?
    Space weather really contains many UFOs chasing small pigs
  • What are the statistical tests and their appropriate designs?
    • Pearson's R: Correlation, interval data
    • Chi-squared: Test of difference, nominal data
    • Spearman's Rho: Correlation, ordinal data
    • Unrelated t-test: Test of difference, interval data
    • Wilcoxon: Test of difference, ordinal data
    • Sign test: Test of difference, nominal data
    • Related t-test: Test of difference, interval data
    • Mann-Whitney: Test of difference, ordinal data
  • What should you do if the study in the stem is correlational?
    Use tests from the bottom row of the table
  • What is the significance of drawing a statistical test table in an exam?
    It helps select the correct test quickly
  • What is the maximum time to sketch the statistical test table in an exam?
    30 seconds
  • What is required to justify the choice of a statistical test?
    Explain the test type and data levels
  • What is the formula for degrees of freedom in a chi-squared test?
    DF = (rows - 1) * (columns - 1)
  • What is the only statistical test that requires calculation?
    The sign test
  • What is the first step in calculating the sign test?
    Subtract scores from condition B from condition A
  • What does 'n' represent in the sign test?
    Number of participants with differences
  • What does 's' represent in the sign test?
    Least frequent sign among differences
  • What must the calculated value be for data to be significant?
    Equal to or less than the critical value
  • What is the significance of a calculated value of 's' being greater than the critical value?
    Data is not significant
  • What should you include in your answer when determining significance?
    Calculated value, critical value, hypothesis decision
  • What is the significance of having a small sample size in the sign test?
    It increases the chance of non-significant results
  • What is the purpose of the tutorial videos on psych boost?
    To help with qualifications and exam preparation
  • Who supports psych boost on Patreon?
    Students and teachers
  • What is the benefit of supporting psych boost on Patreon?
    Access to bonus resources and tutorials
  • What is the main focus of the research methods unit on psych boost?
    Research methods for A-level psychology
  • What is the significance of the shout-out to patrons in the video?
    To acknowledge their support for the channel
  • What is the final message of the video?
    Thank you for watching