Carcinogens are anything that can increase the risk of cancer.
Benign cancers do notspread
Malignant cancersspread throughout the body.
Nitrates are needed for protein synthesis.
Nitrate deficiency means stunted growth.
Chlorosis is the scientific term for the yellowing of leaves.
Magnesium is needed to make chlorophyll.
Viruses reproduce by inserting genes into cells.
Protists are single celled pathogens.
Rose black spot is a fungus that causes leaves to fall off.
Tobacco mosaic virus disclosures leaves and inhibits chlorophyll production, causing lack of photosynthesis and stunted growth.
Lymphocytes are white blood cells that produce antitoxins to neutralise toxins made by pathogens, and antibodies to bind to the antigen of the pathogen.
Phagocytes are white blood cells that ingest and destroy pathogens.
Efficacy are how well drugs work.
Monoclonal antibodies are produced by clones of a cell that produces a desired antibody.
Lymphocytes combine with tumour cells to make a hybridoma. Hybridoma then multiplies, producing lots of the same antibody.
Monoclonal antibodies have bad side effects.
In research, monoclonal antibodies are bound to fluorescent dye to identify molecules in a cell or tissue.
Digitalis (heart drug) originates from foxgloves.
How can a plant disease be identified?
Looking at a gardening manual or website, taking infecting plants to a lab, or using testing kits containing monoclonal antibodies
Chlorosis is caused by magnesium deficiency
Stunted growth caused by nitrate deficiency
Magnesium ions are needed to make chlorophyll
Measles is a viral disease
HIV can be controlled with antiretroviral drugs
Gonorrhoea is bacterial, with thick yellow or green discharge and pain when urinating