The parietal bones are located on either side of the skull, above the temporal bones.
The skeleton of the head and neck includes the skull, middleear ossicles, hyoid bone, and cervical vertebrae.
The occipital belly of the occipital frontalis muscle is responsible for raising eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles.
The cranial dural venous sinuses communicate with the occipital belly of the occipital frontalis muscle by way of emissary veins, which can lead to venous sinus thrombosis, a life-threatening condition.
The orbicularis oculi muscle closes the eyelids gently and tightly.
Aponeurosis, or galea aponeurotica, has been divided into layers.
The parotid duct pierces the buccinator and enters the oral cavity through a small orifice opposite the 2nd maxillary molar.
The temporalis muscle, the largest of the muscles of mastication, is located in the temporal fossa and is attached to the skull by the lateral ligament of the TMJ.
The mandibular nerve (CN V3) and chorda tympani nerves (CN7) exit the otic ganglion.
The parotid gland, the largest of the salivary glands, straddles most of the posterior aspect of the ramus and is enclosed with the parotid sheath.
The scalp is a dangerous layer that can lead to placement of the scalp, muscle, and facial expression changes.
The corrugator supercilii muscle produces vertical wrinkles that indicate concern or worry.
The internal pterygoid / medial and the external pterygoid / lateral muscles depress the mandible and open the mouth.
The auriculotemporal nerve, which conveys postganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers from the otic ganglion to the parotid gland, encircles the middle meningeal artery.
Orbitomeatal plane or Frankfurt plane = the anatomicalposition of the skill is such lower margins of the orbits and theupper margins of the external acoustic meatus are in the samehorizontal plane.
Sutures - separate bones united at immobile joints
Cranial cavity - space containing the brain
Skull vault (calvarium) - upper part of the cranium and formsthe roof and side walls of the cranial cavity
Base - lowest part of the cranium and forms the floor of thecranial cavity
Occipital bone : 1
Temporal bones : 2
Sphenoid bone : 1
Ethmoid bone : 1
Zygomatic bones : 2
Maxillae : 2
Lacrimal bones : 2
Vomer : 1
Palatine bones : 2
Inferior conchae : 2
Mandible : 1
The skeleton of the head and neck includes the skull, middle ear ossicles, hyoid bone, and cervical vertebrae.
Orbitomeatal plane or Frankfurt plane = the anatomical position of the skill is such lower margins of the orbits and the upper margins of the external acoustic meatus are in the same horizontal plane.
The tongue is a muscle of mastication.
The muscles of mastication include the temporalis, masseter, and pterygoids.
The mandibular nerve innervates the muscles of mastication.
The maxillary artery encircles the middle meningeal artery.
Sutures - separate bones united at immobile joints.
Sutural ligaments - formed by the connective tissue between the bones.
Cranial skeleton - bones of the skull, that surrounds the brain.