average amount that an infinity large number o this animals offspring would differ from the average of the offspring of an animal with a transmitting ability of zero for this character
breeding value is?
the value of an animal parent; the value of a animal's genetics transmitted to offspring
we can estimate an animals transmitting ability because no one animal can have an infinite number of offspring
An animal's transmitting ability can be estimated from?
its own phenotype, from the phenotype of ancestors, from the phenotype of progeny, from phenotype of other types of relative/ from combination
phenotype gives some indication of the animal's transmitting ability because the genes carried by an animal affect its own characteristics and the characteristics of its progeny
phenotype is not a perfect indicator
an animal's own performance may not be a perfect indicator of its transmitting ability for a character
combinations involving alleles at a single locus is dominance
combinations involving alleles at different loci is epistasis
heritability is the strength of the relationship between performance and breeding values for a trait in population
heritability measure the degree to which offspring resemble their parents for performance for a trait
heritability is always a number between 0 and 1 and represents the squared correlation between phenotype and transmitting ability for the character
heritability is a measure of how well on average an animal's phenotypes indicate their transmitting abilities
low heritability is less than 0.2
moderate heritability is 0.2 to 0.4
high heritability is more than 0.4
not all highly heritable traits will have high breeding values
heritability indicates the extent to which differences in animal performance for a trait are determined by heritable factors as opposed to environmental effects
relative share many of the same genes because they inherited them from common ancestors
the higher the heritability the more relatives will tend to resemble one another
the lower the heritability the less resemblance we will see
repeatability is the measure of strength of the relationship between repeated records for a trait in a population
repeatability can be determined for any trait in which individuals commonly have more than one performance record
examples of repeatability are milk yield in dairy, racing and show performance in horses, litter size in hogs, fleece weight
repeatability ranges from -1 to +1
repeatability is important for culling and prediction
to improve heritability you can accurately measure, and make the environmental more uniformed
there is no best animal for all situation, best is relative
biological type is the classification for animals with similar genotypes for trait of interest
system = a group of interdependent component parts
interaction = a dependent relationship among components of a system in which the effect of any one component depends on the other components present in the system
animals of the same breed usually have a common origin and similar identifying characteristics
breeds are often genetically adapted to different conditions
selection is determining which animals become parents how many offspring they produce and how long they stay in the breeding herd
between- breed selection is the process that determines the breeds from which parents are selected for breeding
mating is the process that which determines which males are bred to which females
3 reason breeders use mating systems?
to produce offspring with extreme breeding value in order to increase the rate of genetic change, to make use of complementarity , to obtain hybrid vigor
the structure of a breeding industry and a breeder's place in that industry often influence the type of mating system chosen