matrona would’ve been refered to as materfamilias and had authority over slaves and children
expected to produce children to perpetuate household
Roles of Matrona
managaing household duties like finances and slaves
domestic duties like spinning wool and weaving
poorer families did more domestic tasks and often took jobs; rich girls would’ve been assisted by slaves
Richer matrona had more freedom compared to poor families
had time to educate and engage in social and leisure activities
Matrona organised and attended husbands dinner parties
important role as patronages (client and patron relation) would be made at these dinner parties
Limitations of Matrona
couldnt sell property but could own it
couldnt bring a lawsuit to court
couldnt free a slave
Matronae we’re capable of buying and owning property or being an heiress in a will
Laudatio Turiae
eulogoy written by husband praising turiae for her accomplishments in domestic and political sphere
gives evidence regarding ideal matrona qualities
Domestic qualities of Turia
“your loyalty, your companionship, your good nature, your woolworking and your religiosity”
When defending Turias claim to her fathers inheritance she demonstrated “unerring determination”
Turia “took responsibility for those dowries” by providing her female relatives with dowry’s when they couldn’t afford them
example of a maternal quality she had
Turia convinced politician to spare her husband when he was in exile at a time of political crisis
“i owe my life no less to your piety than his clemency“ her faithfulness was as vital as his lenience to spare him
Turia offered to give up her position as his wife when she found out she was infertile
”should be given over to the fertility of another woman”
Turia when her husband was in exile took care of the household and sent him money and golden jewelry to sell
Divorce in Rome
once declaring marriage was over, a woman would return to her paterfamilias family
man could keep custody of child
Men were free to have other sexual partners as long as they were within a lower class to his
women were not allowed to have affairs; if so a portion of her dowry would be forfeited
Reasons for Divorce
political alliances
Example of divorce due to infertility
spurius carvillius divorces his wife due to infertility
attic nights= “he gave preference to the sanctity of his oath over his inclination and his love”
Athenian Kyria
expected to bear children and uphold household
an ideal. kyria wouldn’t engage in public sphere of politics culture or war
Thucycdies= “the greatest glory with be hers who is least talked of among men whether good or bad”
reflects greek attitudes regarding women in society
kyria had to produce a male heir in order to perpetuate the family and household
male heir would inherit kyrios property as women couldn’t
Parthenos= unmarried girl
Nymphe= girl who had lost virginity
Gyne= woman who has borne a child
Greek society’s admiration for childbirth shown by women’s grave stone markers/ steles
women wouldn't receive one if they didn’t give birth
Ampharate Stele
depicts ampharate and her grandchild = implies her maternal role as her greatest contribution
draped in chiton and gaze averted from audience= highlights her modesty
Hegeso Stele
depicts hegeso and slave in domestic scene
dressed heavily= shows modesty
slave holds jewelry box= emphasises wealth and elegance
Kyria was responsible for maintaining the household
Xenephon provides evidence in Oecononicus towards the roles kyrias had within the household like training slaves, weaving and contributing to self sufficiency; via a conversation between socrates and ischomachus
Oecononicus= “all members of the household who fall ill are cared for”
refers to kyrias duty within the household to care for all members within it
Oecononicus= “make her skilled she becomes twice as valuable to you”
refers to kyria training slaves to contribute to households self sufficiency
Oecononicus= for the wife it is more noble to remain inside”
refers to ideal qualitiy to greece for women
Limitations of Kyria
not allowed to leave house without male escort; poor girls would’ve ignored custom
limited amount of money to spend; in order to ensure kyria didn’t do severe damage to household
Divorce and Adultery in athens
adultery laws were severe; men required legitimate heirs
allowed to kill lover or charge large fine for having an affair
man would keep the dowry
if guilty of adultery, women were excluded from religious festivals in order to not corrupt other women with their presence
Plutarch Life of Alcibiades tells us how his wife tried to stop his affairs
”came up and seized her“ from court when she “put in her plea for divorce to the magistrate”
shows that women had little power within marriage
Spartan Women
purpose was to bear healthy children and serve the state
no women would’ve been commemorated with a grave marker until she had children
Spartan Polygandry
women encouraged to have multiple partners to bear healthy children
Duties of men and women in sparta were not concerned with legitimacy; only service to the staye
Xenophon Constitutions of Rome= “he would bring into his house a man whose body and mind he desires for the purpose of bearing children”
Plutarch life of Lycurgus= “introduce him to her and adopt the offspring”
Spartan womens duties were to engage in physical training, maintain households kleos/ farm and uphold spartan ethos
women had training in arithmetic in order to manage finances
Spartan Women were allowed to inherit property; two fifths of property owners were women
Women had to send their sons to agōgē at the age of 7; shows dedication to state
spartan saying “return either with your shield or on it” refers to women’s dedication to upholding the spartan system
Plutarch, sayings of a spartan women= “for i bore him so that he would die for sparta”