A01 Gender Bias: Gender & Culture in Psychology

Cards (13)

  • The Issues of Gender Bias - Summary
    • Universality & Bias
    • Alpha Bias
    • Beta Bias
    • Androcentrism
  • Universality and Bias
    Universality is any underlying characteristic of human beings that is capable for being applied to all despite differences of experiences and upbringing. (all share it)
    This is the goal of psychology but is threatened by biases like gender & culture bias.
    • Degree/extent is different:
    • Social interaction
    • Fear of certain stimuli
    • Enjoyment of humour
    • Belief in luck
    • Conformity to riles
    • Body adornment
    • Importance of family
    • Celebration
    • Love of music
    • Emotional Expression
  • How does Universality & Bias impact psychologists?
    Psychologists possess beliefs and values influences by the social and historical context within which they live.
    • This may undermine psychologists' claims to discover facts about human behaviour that are objective, value-free and consistent across time and culture (universality)
    BIAS: is a leaning towards a personal view that does not reflect reality. Psychological theory & research may not accurately represent the experience and behaviour of men and women (gender bias)
  • Gender Bias - Types
    Alpha Bias
    Beta Bias
  • Alpha Bias
    This research exaggerates/overestimates the differences between the sexes.
    • It states these differences are real and fixed (enduring/inevitable).
    • These differences typically devalue females more than males BUT occasionally heighten the value of women
    • 'Alpha male'
    FOR EXAMPLE: Psychodynamic Theory
  • Example of Alpha Bias:
    The Psychodynamic Theory
    • Alpha bias favouring males:
    • Freud(1905) aid kids in the Phallic Stage, desire their opposite-sex parent. This is resolved by identification with their same-sex parent. But girls identification is weaker, creating a weaker Superego and weaker moral development (see psychodynamic approach in approaches)
    • Alpha bias favouring females:
    • Chodorow (1968) said daughters & mothers are more connected than sons & mothers coz of biological similarities - so women develop better bonds and empathy for other.
  • Beta Bias
    This research minimised/ignores/underestimates the differences between the sexes.
    • Usually occurs when female participants are not included in research samples and it is assumed that the findings from men apply equally to both sexes (women)
    • males 'ignoring' females
    FOR EXAMPLE: Flight or fight, tend and befriend
  • Examples of Beta Bias:
    Fight or Flight:
    • Early research into fight or flight was based on male animals (because female hormones fluctuate).
    • Fight or flight was assumed to be universal response to threat.
    Tend and Befriend:
    • Taylor et al (2000) suggest that females exhibit a tend and befriend response governed by the hormone oxytocin which is more plentiful in women (but also present in small quantities in men) and reduces the flight or fight response. It is an evolved response for caring for young
  • Androcentrism
    Beta Bias can lead to androcentrism.
    • If male behaviour is accepted as the definition of 'normal' behaviour then any deviation from that will be seen as 'abnormal' or 'inferior' by comparison.
    • Psychology dominated by males (list of 100 famous psychologists, 6 females)
    • Androcentrism can lead to female behaviour being misunderstood an even pathologized (taken as a sign of illness)
    Alpha & Beta bias are consequences of androcentrism BUT beta bias can lead to androcentrism too.
  • Example of Androcentrism:
    Androcentrism can lead to female behaviour being misunderstood an even pathologized (taken as a sign of illness)
    • Feminists object the category of Premenstrual Syndrome because it medicalises female emotions (e.g anger) by explaining these in hormonal terms.
    But male anger is often seen as a rational response to external pressures (Brescoll and Uhlmann 2008)
  • How does androcentrism lead to beta bias? BUT Beta bias ALSO reinforces to androcentrism
    Androcentrism ---> Beta
    • Researchers fail to recognize gender differences; assume findings from men apply to everyone.
    • Lead to beta bias; gender differences minimized in research
    Beta --->Androcentrism
    • Gender differences ignored (beta bias) research remains male-centered coz not account for female perspectives.
    • Perpetuates androcentrism, as male experiences continue to shape psychological theories & societal expectations/norms.
  • Alpha bias ALSO reinforces to androcentrism
    Alpha Bias ---> Androcentrism
    • If research emphasizes male superiority in certain traits (e.g., leadership) reinforces idea men should hold dominant roles in society.
    • Meanwhile, if women are portrayed as emotional, passive, or nurturing, it may justify their exclusion from positions of power.
    • This upholds androcentrism by maintaining male-centered norms & reinforcing societal structures that favour men.
  • Opposite of Androcentrism
    Don't need to know but interesting
    A) ?