Cards (12)

  • What year did Wilhelm publish the first book on psychology?
  • What year did Wilhelm open the first psychology lab?
  • Where did Wilhelm open the first psychology lab?
  • Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
    father of psychology
  • What is structuralism?

    Wundt's approach to study the structure of the human mind, by breaking down behaviours into their basic elements. He concentrated on 3 areas: thoughts, images and feelings.
  • What is introspection?

    Wundts method of investigation the human mind. PPS were shown a ticking metronome and reported what the stimulus made them think and feel. The same stimulus, physical surroundings and instructions were given to each person.
  • What were the strengths of Wundt's work?
    He showed psychology could be a valid experimental science His lab-based method led to alignment with psychology as a science. He created lab experiment and controlled experiments.
  • What was the validity of Wundt's work?
    Introspection relies on non-observable responses. Thoughts cant be measured as we don't know who is telling the truth. And participants cant report unconscious thoughts, meaning it is not scientific.
  • What was the subjectivity of Wundt's work?
    Introspection is a subjective experience, everyones thoughts are different, making results incomparable, meaning their is no replicability.
  • How is introspection used today?
    Griffiths (1994) used introspection to study cognitive processes of fruit machines gamblers. He asked them to think aloud whilst playing. Finding addicts has different cognitions to non addicts.
  • What were Watsons beliefs about introspection?
    Produced subjective behaviour, Cant be generalised and cant be measured.
  • What did Watson and skinner do?
    Focused on highly controlled lab experiments which could be replicated. Measuring concepts empirically and found a way to test objectively (behavioural approach)