
Cards (24)

  • What is the scientific term for "breathing"?
  • What occurs during inspiration?
    Air pressure in the atmosphere is greater
  • What happens during expiration?
    Air pressure in the lungs is greater
  • What is required for ventilation to occur?
    • Pressure changes in the lungs
    • Movement of two sets of muscles
  • What muscle separates the thorax from the abdomen?
    The diaphragm
  • Where are the intercostal muscles located?
    Between the ribs
  • What are the two sets of intercostal muscles?
    • Internal intercostal muscles
    • External intercostal muscles
  • What is the function of internal intercostal muscles?
    They lead to expiration
  • What is the function of external intercostal muscles?
    They lead to inspiration
  • What happens to the diaphragm during inspiration?
    • Contracts
    • Moves downwards from domed position
  • What happens to the diaphragm during expiration?
    • Relaxes
    • Returns to domed position
  • What changes occur in lung volume during inspiration and expiration?
    • Inspiration: Lung volume increases
    • Expiration: Lung volume decreases
  • What is the relationship between air pressure and air movement during ventilation?
    • Inspiration: Air moves inwards as pressure decreases
    • Expiration: Air moves outwards as pressure increases
  • What is pulmonary ventilation?
    Total volume of air moved in one minute
  • How is pulmonary ventilation calculated?
    By multiplying tidal volume and breathing rate
  • What is tidal volume?
    Volume of air taken at each breath
  • What is the typical tidal volume at rest?
    0.5 dm³
  • What is the normal breathing rate for a healthy adult?
    12-20 breaths per minute
  • What is the formula for pulmonary ventilation?
    • Pulmonary ventilation = tidal volume x breathing rate
    • Units: dm³min⁻¹
  • How is tidal volume measured?
    • Using a spirometer
    • Air-tight chamber with a perspex lid
    • Person breathes in and out
  • What does a spirometer trace measure?
    Volume of air breathed in and out
  • What is vital capacity?
    Maximum volume of air breathed out
  • What is forced expiration volume (FEV)?
    Volume of air breathed out in one second
  • What are the components of a spirometer setup?
    • Arm and pen attached to chamber lid
    • Revolving drum for trace
    • Air-tight chamber filled with oxygen
    • Soda lime canister to remove CO₂