
Cards (7)

  • nature/nurture
    Stogdill- nature, inherited qualities
    Smith and smoll- nurture, positive reinforcement
    zaccaro- nurture, situational
  • free will/determinism
    smith and smoll- free will, coaches have control
    stogdill- deterministic, inherited qualities
  • individual/situational
    stogdill- individual, traits (recognises situational)
    smith and smoll- individual, personality (situation, training)
  • reductionism/ holism
    smith and smoll-holistic, impact of CET (reductionist, biological?)
    tuckman- holistic, group cohesion
    stogdill- holistic, sporting situation and inheritance.
  • ethnocentrism
    smith and smoll- all from seattle, competitive
  • psych as a science
    :)- quantifiable
    :)- high controls over EV
    :)- standardised procedures
    :(- subjective with their interpretation
  • usefulness
    tuckman- practical applications, team building
    smith and smoll- practical applications, coaches
    academic knowledge, importance of reinforcement