internal mental processes can be studied scientifically, we just need to make inferences using lab experiments
humans are information processors - information is inputted in, our brains process it then there is an output which is the response such as remembering something.
what are schemas (cognitive approach)
mental collections of knowledge about a concept or object built from previously worldly experience
work as mental shortcuts, allowing us to navigate and understand the world, interacting with people and objects
Disadvantages and advantages of schemas? (cognitive approach)
able to engage with the world without being overwhelmed by sensory information
allows us to make assumptions about the future from past experience
leads to inaccurate recall
negative schemas can lead to poor mental health as they can bias thinking about yourself, other or the future
why are theoretical and computer models useful? (cognitive approach)
by assuming that the mind operates like a computer inferences can be made based on observable behaviours
Theoretical and Computer Models (cognitive approach)
computer model - compare the mind to computers, saying that both receive inputs (information) and generate outputs (responses)
theoretical model - flow chart representation of the steps of a specific mental process
Evaluative of Cognitive Approach - Strengths
uses scientific methods to study cognition
allows inferences to be made of internal mental processes - using experimental methods, so data obtained is objective and extraneous variables are minimised.
meaning cognitive approach has scientific basis
understanding human cognition led to AI development
treatments for mental health have been designed to change people's thought process
eyewitness testimony improved due to knowledge of memory
so cognitive approach has practical value
Evaluative of Cognitive Approach - Limitations
if inferences need to be made behaviour isn't studied directly (too theoretical)
use of highly artificial tasks (like word lists to measure memory) meaning it lacks mundane realism
so studies lack internal validity
computer analogy criticised
ignores influence of emotions on behaviour, despite research showing anxiety when witnessing a crime can impact recall
this weakens external validity of approach
What is cognitive neuroscience?
study of cognitive processes and their biological basis in the brain
aims to understand how physical brain activity produces thought, emotion and behaviours
generally uses neurotypical people in research (people with a typical brain with no disorder or divergence)
what is used to learn about brain regions and their cognitive influence in cognitive neuroscience?
EEG - measuring change in electrical activity in brain
PET Scan - radioactive tracer drawn to metabolic activity
MRI Scan - shows structure but no activity, very complex