Booklet 1

Cards (85)

  • What was meant by campanilismo?
    A feeling of pride and belonging to their place of birth, which was much stronger than any sense of national identity.
  • What was meant by risorgimento?

    Means 'resurgence' or 'rebirth' and refers to the unification of Italy, which had concluded with the incorporation of Rome in 1870 and the establishment of Rome as Italy's capital.
  • What was the cost of the First World War in 1919?

    148 billion lira.
  • There was a large divide between the...
    North and South, with the official language 'Italian' just being a dialect from Florence, with not many people oustide of Florence or the educated classes speaking it.
  • What is meant by the Roman Question?

    The term used to describe the split between the Catholic Church and Italian state. Many feared that alienating the Catholic Church would further alienate the population and meant that a conservative party could not be formed.
  • What is meant by transformismo?

    The process of political maneauvaring in order to attract votes through forming poltiical alliances and buying the support of other deputies.
  • As a result of transformismo...
    Italy changed prime minister very frequently and the vast majority of the population were disenfranchised - further causing a divide.
  • Between 1899 and 1914 Italy experienced economic...

    Expansion, mostly focussed in the North with car companies such as Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia established.
  • There was a deep economic and social divide between...
    The north and the south.
  • No Italian PM even visited the South for the first...
    32 years after unification.
  • In 1911 the government census showed that...

    Almost 50% of Italy's 2.2 million industrial workers were employed in the Northern Provinces that were focussed around the Industrial Triangle.
  • The South was one of the most impoverished...

    Regions in Europe and the population suffered from poor diet, malnutrition, a lack of clean drinking water etc.
  • Between 1910 and 1911...
    25,000 people died in Naples due to an epidemic of cholera.
  • More than half of the entire population in the South were...
    Illiterate, 5x the rate of Piedmont.
  • By 1911 income per head in the North was...
    Twice that in the south.
  • What was the industrial triangle?
    The major industrial cities of Milan, Genoa and Turin.
  • Between 1901 and 1911 there were...

    Over 1,500 strikes involving nearly 350,000 workers.
  • Many Italians in the South emigrated...
    Between 1901 and 1913 around 200,000 southern Italians left Italy every year and 75% of Italians emigrating to the US were from the south.
  • Italy was seen as the least of the Great Powers...
    Italian foreign policy tended to focus on claiming the irredente lands as well as gain oversees colonies in Africa.
  • In 1884, the British government informed Italy that it would agree to Italian expansion in Abyssinia...
    But attempts to gain this failed at the Battle of Dogali where 500 Italians died.
  • Italy tried again to gain Abyssinia as a colony in 1896...
    But this failed at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 where 5,000 Italin troops were killed.
  • The socialists had won...
    79 seats in Parliament by 1913 and the growth of Socialism corresponded with the rising industrialisation in the North.
  • Giolitti's goal with the socialists was to...
    Absorb them into the liberal programme by offering concessions.
  • What social policy did Giolitti pass in 1898?

    Non-compulsory national insurance fund for health and old age.
  • What social policy did Giolitti pass in 1901?

    Ban on employment of children under the age of 12.
  • What social policy did Giolitti pass in 1902?
    Limited working hours of women to 11 hours.
  • What social policy did Giolitti pass in 1910?
    Introduced a maternity fund.
  • What social policy did Giolitti pass in 1913?
    Introduction of old age fund for the merchant navy.
  • Giolitti's policy of trying to absorb the socialists was...
    Partially successful as it succeeded in winning over the reformists who would be willing to work with the liberals to bring about gradual change, but did not win over the maximialists who wanted revolution and the violent overthrow of the state, which at the time included Mussolini.
  • Giolitti's relationship with the Catholic Church was one of...
    Careful dealings. He proclaimed in 1904 that the Church and State ran on two parralel line which should never meet, however was also willing to offer concessions to the Church in return for its support.
  • Giolitti was the first PM to...

    Win the organised Catholic vote.
  • In 1904, Giolitti allowed a...

    Divorce bill to quietly dissapear from parliament, and promoted Catholic interests in educaiton.
  • In 1909 the pope encouraged...

    Italians to vote in 150 constituencies where the socialists had a chance of winning.
  • When M became PM again in 1911 there was strong cooperation between Catholics and liberals at a...
    Local levelm where there were governing coalitions in Turnin, Bologna and Venice.
  • However despite the cooperation between the liberals and Catholics...
    Giolitti was unwilling to give the Pope any territory and was unwilling to establish a stronger connection with the Catholic Church, as did not want to upset the socialists as saw them as a way of attracting the support of the working class.
  • Nationalism was growing in power...
    And between 1911 and 1914 they had grown to become a highly influential political movement.
  • The nationalists were mainly supported by the...
    Middle classes who saw it as a viable force to defeat socialism, as well as the corrupt liberals. They believed that an aggressive foreign policy would create greater national unity.
  • In 1910 the Nationalists formed the...

  • At first Giolitti attempted to absorb the nationalists by...
    His economic modernisation agenda, but this did not work and later tried to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy.
  • In 1911 Giolitti was prepared to placate the nationalists by...

    Expanding Italy's colonial Empire.