Protists (Animal-Like)

Cards (37)

  • Phylum Rhizopoda is part of the supergroup Unikonta/Amoebozoa.
  • Amoeba sp. is part of Phylum Rhizopoda.
  • Amoeba sp. utilizes phagocytosis to feed on bacteria.
  • Phagocytosis is the process of engulfing and digesting foreign particles.
  • Amoeba sp. uses pseudopodia for movement and to capture prey.
  • Pseudopodia is a type of cellular extension that is used for locomotion and feeding.
  • Amoeba sp. uses cytoplasmic streaming to help them move around.
  • Phylum Foraminifera is part of the supergroup SAR.
  • Foram is part of Phylum Foraminifera.
  • Forams have calcium carbonate in their test.
  • In forms, the pseudopodia extend out for feeding.
  • Zooflagetllates are part of the supergroup Excavata.
  • Zooflagellates are all pathogenic organisms.
  • Trypanosoma is responsible for the African sleeping disease and Chagas disease.
  • Trypanosoma is part of the Zooflagellates.
  • Giardia is responsible for Giardiasis.
  • Giardia is part of the Zooflagellates.
  • Trichomonas Vaginalis is a sexually-transmitted disease.
  • Trichomonas Vaginalis is part of the Zooflagellates.
  • Phylum Ciliiophora is part of the supergroup SAR.
  • Ciliates have lots of different shapes.
  • Ciliates are heterotrophic.
  • Ciliates are not usually pathogenic.
  • Ciliates reproduce using binary fission.
  • Binary fission is the process by which bacteria divide into two new bacteria asexually.
  • Ciliates also reproduce sexually through conjugation, which allows for the exchange of genetic materials.
  • Ciliates is part of Phylum Ciliophora.
  • Phylum Apicomplexa is part of the supergroup SAR.
  • In Phylum Apicomplexa is typically transmitted by intermediate hosts.
  • Plasmodium spp. has various species that cause malaria.
  • Malaria is the leading cause of death in children worldwide.
  • Malaria (caused by various forms of Plasmodium spp.) is mosquito-transmitted.
  • Plasmodium spp. is part of Phylum Apicomplexa.
  • Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis.
  • Toxoplasmosis is dangerous towards developing fetuses.
  • Toxoplasmosis is typically transmitted by cats.
  • Toxoplasma gondii is part of Phylum Apicomplexa.