The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of our nation.
The Louisiana purchase was sold by the French to Thomas Jefferson in 1803.
Jefferson wanted the land and access to the Mississippi river.
This helped the economy and provided more land for settlement.
President Thomas Jefferson and the senate used the government's treaty-making powers to allow the purchase of the entire Louisiana territory from France for $15 million.
Jefferson sent lewis and clark to explore the new territory and the pacific northwest and sent zebulon pike on two expeditions heading due west
Federalists in the northeast wanted to secede because of the Louisiana purchase. In a duel over the issue, aaron burr shot and killed alexander hamilton.
The Louisiana Territory was purchased from Napoleon.
The Louisiana Territory was purchased because of its geography. And because Jefferson feared that Napoleon would create a powerful empire in North America.
Lewis and Clark were the first Americans to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
Thomas Jefferson became president of the United States in 1801.
The west boundary of the Country was the Mississippi river,
farmers in the areas of Kentucky and Tennessee produces products like flour, tobacco, pork, butter, cheese, potatoes, apples, salt, and animal skins.
when Thomas Jefferson became president, Spain owned Florida, Which then stretched to the Mississippi River, and the land west of the Mississippi known as 'Louisiana".
New Orleans belonged to the Spanish, but they permitted American farmers to ship goods through the city.
In 1801, France took control of New Orleans, and the Louisiana territoy.
France was a much stronger country than spain in the leadership of Napoleon.
President Jefferson feared that Nepoleon would try to establish a powerful empire in North America.
Jefferson sent representatives to France to get permission to use the ports.
Napoleon knew that he was close to start of another war in Great Britain. He did not want to anger Americans and have them form an alliance with Great Britain.
Napoleon heard that the United States might send 50,000 troops to capture New Orleans. For these reasons, and to raise money for his army, he decided to sell New Orleans and the whole Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15,000,000,
President Jefferson chose Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
He had them take notes on geography, mineral resources, the Indians along with animal and plant life.
In spring 1804, Lewis and Clark left St. Louis and headed up the Missouri River with supplies and 40 men.
By mid-July they reached the Platte River, a major source of the Missouri River. They continued on.
They set up a winter camp in what is today North Dakota.
After making a tough trip across the Rocky Mountains, Lewis and Clark reached the Columbia River.
. After a year and a half of travel, Lewis and Clark finally reached the Pacific Ocean where the spent their second winter along the bank where the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean.
The United States Purchased the Louisiana Territory from the French in 1803
The significance of the Louisiana Purchase was that it doubled the size of the United States
The XYZ affair was about three agents who represented the French which demanded a $10 million loan to start the peace. This fueled the quasi war. President John Adams coined the term because he said they weren't even "worthy" to mention.
The Alien and Sedition Acts were made mostly for the French citizens who were staying at the U.S, the acts made the requirement for American citizenship longer by making it become 5-14 years.
Because of the Alien and Sedition acts, historians called John Adams presidency a failure.