Biochemical/characteristic medium

Cards (33)

  • Identification of Neisseria spp.
    Cystine Trypticase agar (CTA)
  • Based pn their ability to utilize carbohydrate
    Cystine Trypticase agar (CTA)
  • Cystine Trypticase agar (CTA) has a Biochemical/characteristic
    medium which is for Identification of
  • Cystine Trypticase agar (CTA) Based pn their ability to utilize

  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine
    Lysine Iron agar (LIA)
  • Lysine Iron agar (LIA) Identification of gram _ based on their
    ability to _ or _ lysine
    negative enteric bacilli
  • Hydrogen sulphide production
    Lysine Iron agar (LIA)
  • Glucose fermentation
    Lysine Iron agar (LIA)
  • Lysine Iron agar (LIA) ferments _
  • Lysine Iron agar (LIA) _ production
    Hydrogen sulphide
  • Identification of Clostridium perfringens
    Litmus milk medium
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to produce LDC/ODC/ADH
    Moeller’s broth
  • Moeller’s broth is used for Identification of gram negative
    enteric bacilli based on their ability to produce
  • Differentiation of organisms based on their ability to oxidize
    or ferment carbohydrates
    Oxidation-Fermentation (O-F) medium
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to produce indole
    Tryptone broth
  • Tryptone broth is used for Identification of gram negative
    enteric bacilli based on their ability to produce
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to ferment glucose, lactose & sucrose
    Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar
  • Gas production
    Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar
  • Sulfide production
    Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to ferment glucose via mixed acid fermentation or
    butylene glycol pathway
    Methyl Red Voges Proskauer (MRVP) broth or Peptone glucose broth
  • Methyl Red Voges Proskauer (MRVP) broth or Peptone
    glucose broth is used for Identification of gram negative
    enteric bacilli based on their ability to ferment _ via
    mixed acid fermentation or butylene glycol pathway
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to produce the enzyme urease
    Christensen Urea agar or Stuart urea broth
  • Christensen Urea agar or Stuart urea broth is for Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their ability to produce the enzyme
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to produce the enzyme deaminase
    Phenylalanine deaminase (PD) agar
  • Identification of gram negative enteric bacilli based on their
    ability to utilize citrate as source of carbon
    Simmon citrate agar
  • Simmon citrate agar is used for Identification of gram negative
    enteric bacilli based on their ability to utilize _ as source of
  • Differentiation of beta-hemolytic streptococci and enterococci
    based on their ability to produce the enzyme
    pyrrolidonylarylamidase or pyrroglutamylaminopeptidase
    PYR agar
  • Identification of organisms that utilize acetate as carbon source,
    like Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Acetate slant
  • Identification of organisms that utilize acetamide as carbon
    source, like Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Acetamide slant
  • Acetamide slant Identification of organisms that utilize acetamide as carbon source, like
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Biochemical/characteristic medium 14 os1
    Phenylalanine deaminase (PD) agar
    PYR agar
    Simmon citrate agar
    Cystine Trypticase agar (CTA)
    Christensen Urea agar or Stuart urea broth
    Acetate slant
    Acetamide slant
    Lysine Iron agar (LIA)
    Litmus milk medium
    Tryptone broth
    Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) agar
    Oxidation-Fermentation (O-F) medium
    Moeller’s broth
    Methyl Red Voges Proskauer (MRVP) broth or Peptone glucose broth
  • or Peptone glucose broth
    Methyl Red Voges Proskauer (MRVP) broth
  • or Stuart urea broth
    Christensen Urea agar