Food insecurity is a problem that affects millions of people around the world.
Old racism is outward and overt, undeniably racist, and is legitimized by the state.
Reconstruction refers to the period after the Civil War.
New Racism is a system that predates the old racism.
Jim Crow is a form of racist legislation that enforced segregation and overt racism.
The Civil Rights Era spanned from 1941-1968, with key events including Brown v Board, the MLK I have a Dream Speech, and the Selma to Montgomery campaign to ensure African Americans had the right to vote.
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is a sociologist who coined the term colorblind racism to refer to “New Racism” as a subtle form of racism.
Racism without racist racial discourse is a concept coined by Bonilla-Silva.
Race neutrality is the disregard of race.
Colorblind racism (CBR) is the assertion that equal opportunity minimizes the reality of racism in favor of individual or cultural explanations for equality.
Symbolic racism, coined by McConay and Hough in 1976, is a form of racism that is subtle and happens through denial and ignorance by asserting that the playing field is now equal because overt racist policy have been eradicated.
Abstract liberalism, as described by Bonilla-Silva, is an ideology that strives for meritocracy and equal opportunity for success, but it is abstract because it does not reflect reality.
Naturalization is a central frame where Bonilla-Silva describes that white people will explain racial phenomenon as a natural occurrence.
Cultural racism, as described by Bonilla-Silva, is the most traditionally racist form of racism because it makes assertions about cultural differences and assumes it to be fact.
Minimization of racism is a rhetorical strategy to downplay the effects of racism.
Styles of CBR include through rhetoric, semantic moves, projections, and us vs them.
Race is embodied in social inequality.
Cortisol is a hormone released during stress.
Food insecurity is when someone goes without food for an extended period of time and or does not know when they will receive their next meal.
In Chicago, there was 1 treatment center in the town where most black women lived, leading to them being more likely to get cancer because they were more likely to go untreated for cancer.
Short term release of cortisol can aid with memory, attentiveness, and immunity.
Racial genetics is when researchers are trying to make race genetics.
SNAP is a food purchasing program that allows individuals in poverty to purchase food.
Black men were more likely to have “essential worker” jobs so they were more likely to get Covid as they were predisposed.
TANF is a temporary assistance for needy families program.
The body’s response to stress is to release cortisol.
Vigilance persistence is being aware and on guard.
Long term release of cortisol can lead to poor cognitive function and adverse effects to immunity.
Skin-deep resilience should be temporary - those who have reached their life goals can still experience excess death.
Naive reductionism is when researchers reduce race to human biology as a premise for explaining human biological variation.
The weathering hypothesis states that people of color overwork, they are constantly stressed out because of their environment which causes them to have adverse health effects.
Gravlee states that we must expand on race rather than reducing it to human biology.
John Henry is a folklore character - He was a freed black male slave,he was the fastest railroad worker and was tested against a machine and he was so tired from racing the machine that he died.
White people use diminutives to soften their racial blows.
Race is a social construct that has biological effects.
Bowen states that racism and hunger are the structural roots of food insecurity.
High effort coping strategies from the poor require tenacity, vigor, mental and physical purpose, and a strong work ethic.
Krieger’s eco social theory outlines how research methods must address the lived realities of discrimination by using multiple levels of analysis and developmental life course perspectives.
Intergenerational trauma is trauma experienced overtime and passed on overtime through generations.
John Henry is a folklore character who was a freed black male slave, known as the fastest railroad worker, and was tested against a machine, dying from exhaustion.