The action potential is an electrical signal that travels along the axon of a neuron.
The resting membrane potential (RMP) is maintained by the balance between ion channels and pumps.
During an action potential, there is a rapid depolarization followed by repolarization and hyperpolarization.
Action potentials are generated by changes in membrane voltage, which can be triggered by various stimuli such as chemical signals or mechanical forces.
The threshold voltage is -55 mV.
The action potential reaches its peak at +30 mV.
The resting membrane potential is -70 mV.
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit signals across the synapse from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
Repolarization occurs when K+ channels open and allow K+ to leave the cell.
Depolarization occurs when sodium channels open, allowing Na+ to enter the cell.
Excitable cells include muscle fibers, cardiac myocytes, and endocrine cells.
Hyperpolarization occurs when more K+ leaves than enters the cell during repolarization.
Ions are charged particles, with positive charges called cations and negative charges called anions.
Depolarization occurs when sodium channels open, allowing Na+ to enter the cell down its concentration gradient.
Sodium-potassium pump maintains RMP by actively transporting Na+ out of the cell and K+ into the cell against their concentration gradients.
Repolarization occurs when potassium channels open, causing K+ to leave the cell down its concentration gradient.
Leakage channels allow small amounts of Na+ to enter the cell and K+ to leave the cell down their electrochemical gradient.
Neurons have specialized structures called dendrites and synapses that allow them to communicate with other cells.
The resting membrane potential is the electrical charge of a neuron when it is not active.
Synaptic transmission involves the release of neurotransmitters from one cell onto another, leading to either excitation or inhibition.
Repolarization occurs when potassium channels open, causing K+ to leave the cell.
Hyperpolarization occurs when Na+ channels close and K+ channels remain open.
Sodium-potassium pump maintains RMP
Hyperpolarization occurs when more K+ leaves than enters the cell.
Refractory period refers to the time during which a nerve cannot generate another action potential.
Excitatory neurotransmitters increase the likelihood of an action potential being fired in the postsynaptic cell, while inhibitory neurotransmitters decrease this likelihood.
Leakage channels allow small amounts of Na+ to enter and K+ to exit
Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter involved in memory formation and plasticity.
Acetylcholine (ACh) is an excitatory neurotransmitter involved in muscle contraction and learning/memory processes.
Depolarization occurs when Na+ channels open and allow Na+ to enter the cell.
Hyperpolarization occurs when potassium channels open, causing more K+ to exit the cell than enter it.
Hyperpolarization occurs when K+ channels remain open and more K+ leaves the cell than enters it.
Sodium-potassium pump maintains concentration gradients by actively transporting Na+ out of the cell and K+ into the cell.
Refractory period refers to the time during an AP when the neuron cannot generate another AP.
Sodium-potassium pump maintains the concentration gradient by actively transporting three Na+ out of the cell for every two K+ brought into the cell.
Leakage channels allow small amounts of Na+ and K+ to passively diffuse through the membrane.
Sodium-potassium pumps actively transport three Na+ out of the cell and two K+ into the cell.
Leakage channels allow some Na+ and K+ to passively diffuse through the membrane.
Resting membrane potential (RMP) is maintained by the balance between leakage channels and the sodium-potassium pump.
Resting membrane potential (RMP) is maintained at approximately -70mV due to an unequal distribution of ions inside and outside the cell.