Unit 2

Subdecks (2)

Cards (31)

  • What is the job of Glands?
    • Glands secrete bodifly fluids (saliva) to digest enzymes
  • What is the job of Amylase and Lipase?
    Amylase (break down starch) and lipase (break down fats) - 2 major enzymes
  • What is the job of teeth?
    mechanical digestion; (physical breakdown of food)
  • What is the job of the toungue?
    mechanical digestion and taste sensory organ
  • Name the parts of the salivary glands
    • Secrete saliva (mixture of enzymes and mucus)
    • Parotid glands are salivary glands that sit infront of the ears
    • Submandibular glands: located under the jaw
    • Sublingual glands :under tongue 
  • What is Epiglottis?
    A structure that closes over trachea during swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering respiratory system
  • What is the Esophagus?
    Muscular tube connecting pharnyx (throat) to the stomach
  • What function occurs in the Esophagus?
    Peristalsis: rhythmic contraction of circular muscles that moves food through a tube 
  • What is the livers function?

    • Secretes ball to gallbladder
    • Bile neutalizes Ph levels and emulsifies lipids 
    • Emulsification is the process where large fat droplets are broke down into smaller ones inorder to maximize the SA
  • Gallbadders function?

    Storage organthat releases bile from the liver into the duodenum
  • How does Bile travel?
    Through the common bile duct which is a tube that connects gallbladder and duodenum to deliver bile
  • Name the functions of the pancreas
    • Organ that secretes enzymes to duodenum
    • Controls blood sugar concentration
  • What are the functions of the small intestine?
    (duodenim,jujenum and ilum)
    Chemical digestion occurs in duodenum
    Absorption of nutrients occur in the jejunum and ilum by vili
  • What are the functions of the large intestine and what does it include?
    Between small intestine and anus
    • Cecum, colon, rectum
    • Stores feces in rectum
  • Hown does the Anus Control the elimination of waste?

    Sphincter Muscles