Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste from the body.
The excretory system plays a role in regulating body temperature and controlling osmosis.
Lungs excrete water and carbon dioxide. The skin excretes sweat and the kidneys excrete urea.
The Urinary system
The ureter brings urine from the kidneys to the bladder while the urethra brings urine out of the body.
Vertical section of a kidney
Aorta and renal arteries carry blood rich in waste products to the kidney.
Each kidney contains more than a million nephrons. A nephron is a tube about 3cm long. They are in the cortexandmedulla of the kidney and they make urine.
Blood supply to nephron
Urine is composed of 96% water.
In filtration, blood entering the kidneys is filtered in the outer cortex. Small substances are forced out of the bloodstream into the kidney. These materials are called the glomerular filtrate.
In reabsoption, useful materials are taken back into the blood. 99% of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed.
The proximal tubule is thin walled and long with lots of mitochondria to allow for active transport.
The collecting duct is permeable to water which is reabsorbed due to osmosis.
ADH travels to kidneys to make the walls of the distal tubule and the collecting ducts more permeable to water. ADH allows for reabsoprion of more water from the nephron.