Physics 1

Cards (13)

  • Describe how an insulator may become electrically charged
    Friction between insulating materials causes negatively charged electrons to be transferred
  • State the two types of energy that make up the total energy in a gas
    Potential energy and kinetic energy
  • How to like charged react?
    They repel
  • State 4 sources of background radiation
    Natural: rocks and cosmic rays from space
    Man made: fallout from nuclear weapon testing and nuclear accidents
  • How to differently charged objects interact?
    They attract
  • What is radiation dose measured in?
    Sieverts (Sv)
  • Attraction and repulsion are examples of which kind of force?
  • State 2 ways that nuclear radiations are used in medicine
    Exploration of internal organs and
    Control or destruction of unwanted tissue (often cancer)
  • Where is an electric field strongest?
    Closest to the charged object
  • Define nuclear fission
    The splitting of a large and unstable nucleus e.g. Uranium or plutonium
  • State the equation which links pressure and volume
    Pressure x volume = constant
  • Sequence the steps in nuclear fission
    Unstable nucleus must first absorb a neutron. The nucleus undergoing fission splits into two smaller nuclei, roughly equal in size, and emits two or three neutrons plus gamma rays. All of the fission products have kinetic energy. The neutrons may go on to start a chain reaction
  • Define nuclear fusion
    The joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. In this process some of the mass may be converted into the energy of radiation