Cards (25)

  • Disacchrides Consist of 2 Monosacchrides linked by a Glycosidic Bond
  • A Glycosidic Bond happens when an OH Group reacts with another OH Group
  • Glucose + Glucose = Maltose + H2O
  • Glucose + Galactose = Lactose H2O
  • Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose + H2O
  • Disacchrides ave at least 1 Acetal Carbon (A Carbon Atom bonded to 2 Alkoxy Groups)
  • The Glycosidic Bond joining 2 Rings can either be Alpha or Beta
  • Some Important Disacchrides: Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose
  • MALTOSE is a Disacchride with 2 Glucose Molecules (has a 𝝰-1, 4-glycosidic bond between two 𝝰-glucoses)
  • MALTOSE is obtained from the Breakdown of Starches (Used in Cereals / Candies)
  • MALTOSE is a REDUCING Sugar (Carbon 1 can Open to a Free Aldehyde to Oxidize)
  • LACTOSE is a combination of Glucose and Galactose
  • LACTOSE has a 𝞫-1, 4-glycosidic bond (between 𝞫-galactose and 𝝰-glucose)
  • LACTOSE is found in Milk / Milk Products (No Sweetness)
  • SUCROSE is found in table sugar (Obtained from Sugar Canes / Sugar Beets)
  • SUCROSE contains Glucose and Fructose (𝝰,𝞫-1, 2-glycosidic bond between 𝝰-glucose and 𝞫-fructose)
  • SUCROSE is NOT a reducing sugar and can't open aldehyde for oxidation
  • SUCROSE is very sweet and has Many calories
  • To reduce Calorie Intake, there are artificial sweeteners that were discovered accidentally like: Aspartame, Saccharine, and Sucralose
  • ASPARTAME / EQUAL is hydrolyzed into Phenylalanine (CAN'T be Processed by individuals with Phenylketonurie)
  • Phenylketonuria is disorder in which the body builds up Phenylalanine
  • SACCHARINE / SWEET'N LOW was used during World War 1
  • SACCHARINE was speculated to cause Cancer in the 1970's
  • SUCRALOSE / SPLENDA has a similar structure to Sucrose