Cards (18)

  • What is a parasocial relationship?
    Relationships which resemble ’normal’ relationships but lack a key element. They are a one-sided unreciprocated relationship, usually with a celebrity on which the ‘fan’ expends a lot of emotional energy, commitment and time.
  • Who identified the 3 level of parasocial relationship?
    Maltby et al.
  • The levels of parasocial relationship is a three step description of one-sided relationships in terms of increasing strength. Each level describes the attitudes and behaviours linked to ever more extreme forms of celebrity worship.
  • What are the 3 levels of parasocial relationship?
    1. Entertainment social
    2. Intense personal
    3. Borderline pathological
  • What is the entertainment-social stage?
    The least intense level of celebrity worship. At this level, celebrities are viewed as sources of entertainment and fuel for social interaction. Giles found that parasocial relationships were a fruitful source of gossip in offices
  • What is the intense personal level?
    This is an intermediate level which reflects a greater personal involvement in a parasocial relationship with a celebrity. A fan of Kim Kardashian’s might have frequent obsessive thoughts and intense feelings about her, perhaps even considering her to be a ‘soulmate’.
  • What is the borderline pathological level?
    The strongest level of celebrity worship, featuring uncontrollable fantasies and extreme behaviours. These might include spending (or planning to spend) a large sum of money on a celebrity-related object, or being willing to perform some illegal act on the celebrity’s say so.
  • Who suggested the absorption addiction model?

  • The absorption addiction model: McCutcheon linked the levels of parasocial relationships to the deficiencies people may have in their personal lives. E.g. low self esteem and lack of fulfilment in every day relationships many result in a ‘escape from reality’ a create a parasocial relationship.
  • What are the 2 components of the absorption addiction model?
    1. Absorption: becoming preoccupied with a celebrity for personal fulfillment
    2. Addiction: the individual needs to increase their ‘dose’ in order to gain satisfaction, leading to extreme behaviours
  • Give an example of addiction in parasocial relationships
    Stalking a celebrity because a fan believes the celebrity wants to reciprocate their feelings
  • How does attachment theory explain parasocial relationships?
    Early attachment difficulties may lead to emotional troubles in adulthood, making some indivudlas more likely to form parasocial relationships.
  • Who developed attachment theory?
  • What 2 attachment types did Ainsworth identify that influence parasocial relationships?
    1. Insecure resistant: more likely to form parasocial relationships to feel emotionally fulfilled
    2. Insecure avoidant: avoids relationships altogether, including parasocial ones
  • Why are insecure-resistant individuals more likely to form parasocial relationships?
    They seek emotional connection but fear rejection in real relationships
  • Why do insecure avoidant individuals not form parasocial relationships?
    They avoid all types of relationships, including parasocial ones, to prevent rejection.
  • How can parasocial relationships become harmful?
    They may lead to obsessive behaviours, stalking, financial loss, or illegal actions due to extreme devotion.
  • What did McCutcheon link parasocial relationships to in his research?
    Deficiencies in people’s real lives, such as low self-esteem and lack of fulfilment