Zimbardo - SPE

Subdecks (1)

Cards (17)

  • Social roles - The 'parts' people play as members of various social groups (eg parent, child, student) Accompanied by expectations of appropriate behaviour
  • Context - significant problems in prisons at the time, especially how the guards treated the inmates (Attica prison riots - Santa Clara County jail CA)
    Overcrowding, racial prejudice, vicious guards, etc
  • Stanford Prison Experiment - Aims
    To find out whether the brutality reported among guards in American prisons was due to the sadistic personalities of the guards (dispositional) or had more to do with the prison environment (situational)
  • Stanford Prison Experiment - Procedure
    Mock prison in Stanford Uni psychology basement
    Advertised $15 per day to participant and 75 applicants joined
    Extensive psychological testing to ensure mental stability
    12 guards and 12 prisoners were picked but only 10 prisoners and 11 guards participated
    Random assignment of roles
  • Stanford Prison Experiment - Procedure
    To heighten realism, prisoners were arrested in their homes and taken to a prison
    Blindfolded, stripped, searched, and deloused - then given a uniform and a number of The prisoners daily routines were highly regulated
    16 rules to follow - enforced by guards
    3 guards at a time
    Prisoners didn't have names, only numbers
  • Stanford Prison Experiment - Findings
    Within two days, prisoners rebelled against harsh treatment by the guards
    They ripped their uniforms, shouted and screamed at the guards - who retaliated with fire extinguishers
    Constant harassment - prisoners were made to line up and be counted even in the middle of the night
    Frequent enforcement of the roles, even with small misdemeanours
    The guards behaviour became abusive and aggressive - they enjoyed the power they had
  • Stanford Prison Experiment - Conclusion
    Both guards and prisoners conformed to their set roles
    The study supported Zimbardo's theory that their behaviour was situational not dispositional
    The experiment ended after 6 days