Resistance to Social Influence

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  • A healthy minority can avoid conformity
  • During Asch's research, when a dissenter was present, conformity reduced to a quarter
  • Social support can help us resist conformity
  • Social support occurs if someone else resists conformity, acting as a model
    This model allows others to act free from conscience
  • Social support - The pressure to obey is reduced if there is another person seen to disobey
  • The locus of control refers to the sense we each have about what directs events in our lives
  • Internals believe they are responsible for what happens to them
  • Externals believe that the environment is responsible for what happens to them
  • Internals
    • Believes they can affect the outcome of situations
    • Personal responsibility for their actions
    • Higher confidence
    • No need for external approval
    Most likely to resist social influence
  • External
    • Believe that things turn out a certain way due to factors around them
    • no responsibility for their own actions
    • Lack confidence
    • seek approval from others
    Not likely to resist social influence
  • Internal people are able to resist social influence to conform or obey
    With a greater responsibility for personal actions and experiences, they are more likely to base their decisions on their own beliefs
  • Internals are self confident, achievement oriented, have higher intelligence and less need for social approval
  • External people are less likely to resist social influence to conform or obey
    Less responsibility for their own actions and experiences, they are more likely to base their decision on external factors
  • Externals are not as confident, less experienced and have a higher need for social approval