Reasons to Conform

Cards (10)

  • Conformity is the change in a persons behaviour or opinions as a result of pressure from a person or group of people
  • Compliance - superficial and temporary conformity through outwardly supporting the majority view, eg politics
  • Identification - Moderate conformity where the view is supported due to the want to be part of the group (Eg, fashion trends)
  • Internalisation - Deep conformity where the majority view is now accepted as correct and becomes a permanent change in behaviour (Eg, religion)
  • Explanations for conformity are Informative social influence and Normative social influence
  • ISI - the need to be right (eg relaying the views of the smartest person in the room)
  • NSI - the need to be liked in order for social approval and to prevent rejection (eg, being pressure into smoking)
  • Lucas et al (2006) - The ISI rate is higher when a task is harder, and the success rate is lower
  • Often both ISI and NSI are influencing behaviour, so its hard to measure with is responsible
  • Naffiliators - people with a greater need for affiliation
    Higher need for affiliation = Higher conformity rate