Social-Psychological factors

Cards (10)

  • Adolf Eichmann - tried for war crimes after World War 2, as he created the gas chambers for the extermination of Jews
    His defence was that he was obeying orders
  • Milgram argued that obedience to destructive authority figures occurs because a person does not take responsibility
    Instead, they are acting as an agent for someone else
  • Agentic state is a mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour because we believe ourselves to be acting for an authority figure (as their agent)
    This frees us from the demands of our consciences and allows us to obey even a destructive authority figure
  • Legitimacy of Authority is an explanation for obedience which suggest that we are more likely to obey people who we perceive to have authority over us
    This authority is justified (legitimate) by the individuals position of power within a social hierarchy
  • Binding factors prevent someone from moving from the agentic state
    Aspects of the situation that allows the person to ignore or minimise the same caused and moral strain
    Shifting the responsibility to the victim, ie 'how did he get it wrong again'
  • Legitimacy of authority - many people in society have perceived or real authority over us, which gives the legitimate sense that society agrees to this
    We all allow some figures to have authority over us
    This grants the power for some to punish others. Thus, giving up independence to those who can exercise authority over us
  • Destructive Authority - Stalin
    Made farmers export all harvested grain to pay for his new factories, leading to the worst man made famine ever (killing 6-8 million people)
    Had an utter disregard for human life - 'No man No problem'
  • Miranda et al (1981) found an obedience rate of 90% with Spanish students, which concluded that Milgram's results are not limited to American male student s
  • Mantell (1974) replicated the study in Germany and got an 85% obedience rate
  • Both Spain and Germany have higher obedience rates, which can be due to them both suffering from destructive dictatorships (Hitler and Francoist)