
Cards (5)

  • Weakness - Slow change
    Social change can take time due to the strong tendency for human beings to conform to the majority
    This makes change latent (creates potential for change)
  • Weakness - Perception of being 'deviant' limits influence
    The eyes of the majority often see deviance, rather than the potential for social change
    Making changes includes the challenge of not being seen as 'deviant' and making others embrace the decision
  • Weakness - Social norm limitations
    Not all social norm interventions have led to social change
    Delong et al (2009)
    Tried to drive down alcohol consumptions in students across 14 different colleges
    Despite receiving normative information to correct their misperceptions of drinking, students did not show lower drinking levels
  • Weakness - The boomerang effect
    Schultz et al (2007)
    When social norm intervention strategies are in place, they can be ineffective if individuals are already leading the 'more desirable' life choices
    They can then turn to more destructive behaviours
  • Strength - Overcoming the deviant minority - communist manifesto
    Minorities can be portrayed as deviants
    The birth of communism was due to the careful ay the minority overcame the 'deviant' problem
    The communist manifesto made it seem that the communist minority were a part of the majority (proletariat), that their struggles were actually with the owners of the factories (bourgeoisie)