Cards (6)

  • AO1- NO ROLE:
    • Hrdy’s Research
    • Father incapable of providing tender care and love to baby- do not have correct hormones
    • Mothers have oestrogen- emotional responsiveness, fathers have testosterone which is linked to aggression
  • AO1- Play Role:
    • Grossmann et al
    • Qualities of babies attachment with mother impacted adolescence attachment, father had no impact
    • Quality of fathers’ play was related to quality of adolescence (fathers have a role related to play & stimulation)
  • AO1 ROLE- Primary Caregiver
    • When fathers are given the opportunity- adopt emotional role
    • Field’s research (1978)- primary caregiver fathers smiled more, imitated and held babies more than secondary caregiver fathers 
  • Strength- Supporting evidence for the role of play:
    • Geiger 1996- father’s play interactions more exciting than mother’s (more affectionate and nurturing)
    • Role- playmate rather than sensitive parent
  • Weakness- Opposing Theory for no role:
    • Societal norms- greater influence on role of father than biology / hormones
    • Fathers expected to go to work, mother stays at home
    • Nurture side of Nature vs Nurture debate
  • Strength- Usefulness to parents:
    • Offers advice to parents who are economically unsure about who should return to work 
    Reassures parents that fathers can be primary caregivers- mothers can work 
    Less pressure on mothers to stay at home, father to focus on work 
    • Furthermore- children of gay / lesbian parents had no differences in development compared to children in 2-parent heterosexual families