Waves - transfer energy from one place to another, yet they don’t transfer any matter.
To transfer from one place to another, the waves vibrate or oscillate.
On a graph..
Top part of the wave: crest
Bottom part of the wave: trough
Frequency = 1/time
(frequency is measured in Hz, and is the number of complete oscillations per second)
Wave speed (m/s) = frequency (hz) x wavelength (m)
Transverse Wave - Oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer.
E.g light and radio waves
Waves aren’t always reflected, three things may happen:
The wave might be absorbed by the material
The could be transmitted, where it hits the material but carries on travelling (it passes out the other side) , it
often leads to refraction
The wave could be reflected off the surface
Longitudinal Wave - Oscillations are parallel to the direction of the energy transfer.This causes some regions (on the graph) to be more spread out and others to be more compressed, this is because the waves are vibrating back and forth.
E.g sound waves
Ray diagrams:
Angle of incidence = angle of reflection
Drw incoming ray and label with an arrow of direction
Draw the ‘normal’ with a dotted line, this is perpendicular to the boundary
Measure angle of incidence, the angle of reflection must be the same as the angle of incidence
Draw angle of reflection from the boundary, and label with an arrow of direction
Specular Reflection: the boundary is flat, so the normals are in the same direction. This gives a clear image.
Diffused/scattered reflection: the boundary is bumpy, so the normals will all be in different directions. This means light will be reflected in different directions.
Refraction of light waves = when waves change direction as they pass from one medium to another.
Waves travel at different speeds in different materials (mediums), this is because they have different densities.
The more dense the medium, the slower a wave will travel through it.
A wave will travel at an angle towards the medium, when it reaches the medium it’ll refract closer towards the normal.
Ray Diagrams for Refraction:
Draw the normal at the point of incidence (where the incident ray meets the surface)
If the medium is more dense the medium its currently in (air), you need to draw the refracted ray from the point of incidence, but closer to the normal
Label angle of incidence and angle of refraction
The speed of the wave is changing as it passes from one medium to another.
Wave speed = frequency x wavelength
Frequency always stays the same if the speed of the wave changes, so the wavelength changes.
Different wavelengths are refracted by different amounts.(think pink floyd album cover)
Electromagnetic waves are ALL transverse waves, so they oscillate perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer. In a vacuum, they’ll travel at the same speed of 3x10^8 m/s.However in different mediums, they travel at different speeds.
In the electromagnetic spectrum, wavelength and frequency are inversely related.
Visible Light:
Only part of the spectrum human eyes can detect
Their different wavelengths give you the different colours
Electromagnetic spectrum:
Radio waves
Micro waves
Infrared waves
Visible light
Ultra violet
X rays
Gamma rays
Ultra violet, x and gamma rays are ionising and cause damage to our cells.
Radio and Micro waves are used in communication.
Where the waves come from:
Infrared = bonds that hold molecules together vibrate
Visible light, ultraviolet + x rays = when electrons drop down energy levels
Gamma rays = radioactive decay
Once emitted, all the waves can travel across the universe and empty space. When they come in contact with something, they can be either reflected, absorbed or transmitted.
Radio Waves:
Longest wavelength
Lowest frequency
How to produce radio waves:
Use a transmitter (normally connected to an oscilloscope which allows you to see the frequency of the alternating current)
Once the radio wave has been generated, detect it again by using a receiver, which absorbs the energy and creates an alternating current and is displayed on a different oscilloscope
The frequency of the alternating current produced is exactly the same as the frequency used to generate the radio wave in the first place.
Radio Waves For Communication:
Long waves = transmitted over huge distances (e.g from london to Singapore) without having to interact with anything along the way. This because the diffract (bend) around the curved surface of the earth
Short waves = transmitted over long distances but cannot bend around the earth, they’re reflected from the ionosphere. Can send short distances too, like the bluetooth in your phone
Very short waves = used for tv and fm radio, they travel directly from the transmitter to the reciever
Ionosphere = electrically charged layer of the upper atmosphere
Infrared waves:
Long wavelengths
Low frequencies
Infrared radiation = emitted from all objects that have thermal energy (dependent on temperature)
Uses of infrared radiation:
Infrared cameras help you see in the dark and help spot living organism - animals that are warmer because they emit more infrared radiation
Cooking by heating metals to very high temperatures in ovens and grills. This allows you to emit lots of infrared radiation(without penetrating the surface) which heats the food by transferring thermal energy
Electric heaters, thy use electrical energy to heat metal of the heater which emits infrared radiation to the surroundings and heat up rooms
Microwaves and infrared waves are only harmful in high quantities. Background radiation doesn’t do you any harm.
Microwaves that are not absorb by water molecules:
Used for communication using satellites, which means the microwaves have to pass through the earth’s atmosphere. Then they’re received by a satellite and transmitted back down to earth where satellite dishes detect them
Microwaves that are absorbed by water molecules:
Used in microwave ovens where they help heat food up. This is because most of the food we eat contains lots of water molecules
When the microwaves are fired at the food, the energy from the waves gets absorbed by all the water molecules as they start to vibrate more, they transfer energy to neighbouring molecules so that it spreads throughout the food via conduction/convection
Visible light can be used for communication using optical fibres. They’re thin plastic/thin glass fibres (materials that totally reflect light + have specular reflection) that are able to transmit pulses of light over long distances because the light is reflected every time it hits the surface until it can be interpreted.
This allows you to transmit data really quickly
Visible Light = the light you use to see and have different colours depending on its wavelength. For example, red has the longest and violet has the shortest wavelength
An alternative to using thin glass/plastic is with copper wires and electricity but they don’t transmit as much information and signals are more likely to be distorted during transmission
Ultraviolet radiation:
Has shorter wavelength than visible light
E.g sun rays can tan/burn you
Fluorescence = a property of certain chemicals where ultraviolet light is absorbed and then the energy is re-emitted as visible light.
Fluorescent Lights: energy efficient
Generate ultraviolet radiation
That radiation is absorbed by a layer of phosphorus that coats the inside of the bulb
Re-emits the energy as visible light
Ultraviolet and Security: security pens appear completely invisible until you shine you a ultraviolet light on it