Kinesics (body language) includes body motions such as shrugs, foot tapping, drumming fingers, eye movements like winking, facial expressions, and gestures.
Haptics is the study of touch.
Oculesics is the study of eye contact.
Olfactics is the study of smell.
Chronemics is the study of the use of time.
Proxemics is the study of the use of space to signal privacy or attraction.
Paravocalics or Vocalics is the study of tone of voice, timbre, volume, speed.
Sound symbols include grunting, mmm, er, ah, uh-huh, mumbling.
Silence in communication can be interpreted as pausing, waiting, or secrecy.
Posture in communication refers to the position of the body and stance.
Adornment in communication refers to clothing, jewelry, and hairstyle.
Locomotion in communication refers to walking, running, staggering, and limping.